
This isn’t a question of “reuniting”. The kids in question are all unaccompanied. Until somebody sponsors them they are stuck being under the supervision of whichever government entity has the capability of handling them. Whether their classification is “Illegal immigrant” or “Refugee” or “Asylum seeker” or “Asylee”

Waiting in the hands of a relative or caregiver to learn the fate of their asylum claim

This article makes me sort of think of that one gameshow Sony put on a while ago where the big prize was to be a QA tester.

Apparently, we have ad firm Ackerman McQueen to thank.

Presenting yourself to authorities for asylum processing is exactly what the law of this country requires.

You should probably look into how much Aid the U.S. is already sending these countries. (Though, admittedly, Trump’s decided to cut it a lot this year, which doesn’t seem particularly smart... then again, considering the surge of refugees from those countries, it also doesn’t seem like it’s been particularly effective

What’s so infuriating to me is that immigration hasn’t even changed all that much.

I would point out the U.S. had been sending the various countries involved hundreds of millions in annual aid for decades, and the problems just kept getting worse. (Guatemala, for instance, received ~ $600m 2016-2018.)

Well, it was officer of the year, not officer of the decade. I expect the argument is whatever happened in other years is completely irrelevant to the award at hand. “X of the year” awards ARE presumably based entirely on performance during said year.

So, uhm, the general gameplay is like most of the F2p mobile games out there, just in a microcosm competition?

Eh. IMO the only problem with Eugenics is who gets to decide who is worthy of reproducing and who isn’t. And I would hope it’s pretty unanimous that this woman falls squarely into the “isn’t” group.

Misleading headline?

Eh, there’s no reason to come up with a fancy name. Just call them what they are. Refugee camps. 100% refugee camps. Temporary settlements where refugees reside while awaiting vetting, relocation, and integration into host countries. Which is PRECISELY what is going on with these camps. With the only caveat being the


the administration could, if it wanted to, provide basic amenities like blankets and toothbrushes to children it has kept locked away for weeks on end.

Uhm. What’s so tricky about it?

*shrug* then the articles author probably should probably have gone with that instead of intentionally obscuring the fact that it was probably “off the record”... for whatever good that does.

So. Valkyrie Neptunia?

Trump DID repeatedly admit to treason (“I’d accept dirt” “I wouldn’t tell the FBI”).