Professor Dog

Political opinions and whatnot aside- stay safe, Floridians. Please. Be around to debate me about Trump or the 2nd Amendment or whatever tomorrow, but please- be around. Please stay safe. <3 you all

Ever since Gawker finally bit the dust, all the conservo-hate that used to be limited there has spread out to the other blogs. Most of it is contained to Jezebel, but some of it it leaks onto Giz, Jalopnik and the like.

I don’t understand the point of this article, if it is not to just poke fun/attack a news host on a station the author does not agree with.

They also should re-evaluate where another viable space launch location would be. Russia seems to do well launching over land, and it never fails to amaze me how many launches are scrubbed for weather in a state that claims to have such amazing weather. All in all this country might do well to be less stubborn about

So *that’s* what Deadspin is.

Ok before the comment threads break down into the usual deathist fascination with overpopulation, godhood, and rich envy, please examine your assumptions. Here are the usual counters

How many classified documents did they find on Hillary Clinton’s private server? This dude will probably have the book thrown at him. Clinton probably gets to be the next president. Funny how that works.

he carries a certain amount of respect for the work that only years and years experience can teach (he’s been making these noodles for over 30 years)

NFL Logic

Stop vaping it isn’t cool. Everyone who sees you vape thinks you are a tool. Everyone outside the vaping community (yes unfortunately there is a community) sees vapers as total asshats. So just stop unless you want to look like a fool.

“What’s up”

Counterpoint: fuck you instead.

Why is this article on here? Why does this odd app even exist? Why should I care about this kid? Why does he think this is an appropriate on any level? Just why to everything.

In IT, Cat5 is usually terminated with 568A or 568B.

Get her the big cookbook from america’s test kitchen. Over 1,000 recipes, lots of pretty pictures, and they literally cover everything from simple spaghetti and sauce to pretty advanced stuff. Plus it’s only 20 bucks.

There are a lot of big names here but I expect the Korean Team Samsung Galaxy to blow up real big and light everyone on fire. They’re going rack up some real damage when their done.

Nothing in this country makes sense anymore. Even our metaphors are literal.

Isn’t that about half of George’s “science” articles?

I have a recycled Bushmills bottle with a liquor pour top on it

I never measured the Bushmills when I poured it, and I’m not going to start measuring the oil

I have a recycled Bushmills bottle with a liquor pour top on it

I never measured the Bushmills when I poured it, and