Professor Dog

Quick reminder, whining about a meme is the best way to keep it alive.

You know the biggest thing people seem to forget is that you can decide to just not watch her. If you think her content is shit, cool story, go watch something else neither you or her are gonna be worse off cause of it. However, I actually agree with the point that DeFranco’s brings up in that when you’re looking up

I’m with you. I mean, on one hand I understand that there are tons of problems with gender roles and body image expectations and the fact that the only woman in the film is in a skimpy outfit that is impractical for exploring a jungle.

You’d get killed for this question if this was on Jezebel. “IT IS WHAT IT IDENTIFIES WITH!!!!!”

This will be an interesting dynamic no matter what your feeling on this her stance (heh) is. Unlike Kaepernick she has everything to lose by doing this and she is doing it during National team competitions. I know I’m on record of bashing Kaep however I think this (his) kneeling trend is much more respectful and as

Man, that’s a good way to get yourself Siouxed.

So, the secret to flying is to throw yourself at the ground and miss?

Does Pratt have the highest approval rating of any celebrity right now?

I feel the same way when I watch Cops.

I just took the excuse to post a cool gif. Maybe relax a bit; there are a lot of decaffeinated brands on the market today that are just as tasty as the real thing.


She’s finally gone? Wonderful!

This is good news.

Speaking of clickbait, I haven't seen an Alissa article in a while.

Olympic fever. Catch it!

Yeah even the illustrated version released last year still have Hermione very White.

If she wanted to leave the ethnicity vague, she shouldn’t have allowed the movies to happen. As soon as they came out people were going to imagine those actors as the characters. Also the illustrations on the book covers didn’t help things. She approved all of those things before the went on to shelves. She can’t just

I’ll be honest, I have a very specific axe to grind against Rowling, and it’s the “sure, yeah, there was diversity. Tons of diversity. All kinds of diversity in my books. I just didn’t write about any of it. But I should get credit for how diverse my universe was. But I didn’t want to show it.”

I read somewhere online (too lazy to go looking for it) is that some guy unpacked the source code, and the way it works is: