Professor Dog

The commenter shared a valid point of view. Calling those you disagree with stupid is immature.

Very solid rebuttal. Wouldn’t expect any more from a triggered leftist.

Yeah, no. No it’s not. Not at all.

I kid, I kid. Well... I don’t kid, actually, but I do still like getting excited about big upcoming games despite all that. Let’s get excited together.

Seriously shut the fuck up you faggot,

This is the America I know and love.

It is impossible because humans evolved to eat meat. We’re going to.

You are correct. Other than animal products, the only thing vegan food cannot contain is flavor.

Jesus fucking Christ, can we not experience ONE goddamn criticism of Republicans without a bunch of primadonna liberals bitching about how they would have done the criticism differently?

I agree with you that Twitter should have done more to stop this, and still needs to do more. (I’m going to wait and see if today’s announcement actually bears any fruit.) But IP banning is completely and totally worthless. Many users still have dynamic IPs, so all they need to do is reset their modem to get a new one

You need to take a hard long look at yourself and ask the question “am I helping?” You might be surprised at your own reflection and response.


Lots of racist hate going on there in your post. . Trump won because the Democrats failed America and left it worse off. Majority of the country got poorer under Obama. You hate white people I see. What makes you think you opinion matters? You see Nazis in your cereal.

Maybe Gizmodo should start moderating to filter out racist postings like yours??

You seem angry and intolerant. Why do you even bother with platforms that don’t meet your standards? Start your own. I hope you make a profit.

Yeah, cause your comment isn’t racist at all

Your words to me earlier:

Read: Gizmodo Media Group will have to pick a different, less fucking annoying advertising strategy.

What, you couldn’t shoehorn in a Trump joke too, you dickhead?

The joke —->