you’re an idiot.
you’re an idiot.
And probably completely period authentic. Do you need a safe space?
Lol this vote this week is dead in the water. There’s so much confidence in the fact that these teachers aren’t going to strike that the school district has refused to do any more negotiations until after the vote has been called.
Amazon should not be responsible for hiring people just because we need to hire people. If you want Universal Income, or job creation - that’s on the government. Private corporations should not be held back on innovation just because “muh jobs” needs to happen.
Nah - It wouldn’t work -all you’d have is the neighbor camping the ingress into the building or any specific spot the player needs to go to at worst. At best you’d see the neighbor just running around the building looking in all the spots he/she could to catch the other player creeping in.
Are you really stupid enough to think that if the dollar collapses your Bitcoins will be worth fuckall?
Reminder: In 2014 Ann Coulter equated liking soccer with the destruction of American Values.
Why don’t you show us on the doll where the big bad Nintendo touched you
The funny thing is....this will probably actually BUFF Druid in the end. 3 of the hardest counters to druid - Pirate Warrior, Murloc Paladin and Aggro Druid ended up getting nerfed - I don’t think that Druid is going to decline at all in terms of representation in the meta. In fact, I think it’s about to get more…
Well that’ll teach me to read through something funny about a game I really like but haven’t beaten yet. Spoilers in at least one of those pictures.
Can someone explain why the word “cringe” gets you banned in Twitch chat? I guess I don’t understand the connotation of the word - maybe there was a lot of abuse of the word in the past and now it’s considered bad?
I think map makers in games are underrated in general. Look at the World of Warcraft map. All that topology has to be translated from the in game environment into the map that they put in game. That’s a nice level of coordination between multiple teams to get it working.
How about instead of every single facial expression, they settle for three of them?
Well you’re wrong. Which is awesome because your stream of drivel had a lot of words that didn’t actually make any points.
Can anyone explain why drivers think its acceptable to have their left foot resting on the dash?
Score one for the IT guys sitting in the basement... No windows, no sunlight, no interaction with users, no radiation
I mean, it all depends on perspective. To that Pikachu, it is Left Pikachu
Ahh the entitled manbabies are coming out to whine about a company making a decision that doesn’t include the words Half, Life or 3 in it. I love it. Their tears are delicious.
All these bikers and not one Mormon. The decline of Christianity is a sad one.