Professor Dog

ESPN Desportes once again proves that all sports are more enjoyable and exciting when broadcast in Spanish.

Yea I’ll go after the Nazis for 100 please Alex.

I think there’s some side benefits to doing it this way though.

I give it a year before HOAs start banning it.

One company, twice the ads.

I mean, I guess five guys is okay if you enjoy eating potatoes in the shape of fries that taste little more than potatoes but at least you get lots of them

There’s something disingenous in someone cherry picking a statement and using it out of context to prove a point. Do you work for CNN or Fox News?

Maybe you and your friends can get together and hold hands and make peace chains to Russia and North Korea so they are so moved by your actions they decide to disarm out of the kindess of their hearts, thus allowing the US to disarm.

Security through Obscurity is a real thing

Yea because the internet collectively can be trusted.

Can’t wait to buy the B-grade version of these panels for $500. Gotta love South Korea!

They haven’t invented that capability yet. But when Apple does, you better believe we’ll hear about it.

It’d be really neat if they could release a future console that is basically the Switch concept but with a 3DS/2DS game port in it - allow us to use this as our primary gaming hardware for both home and on the go without needing a second handheld to bring with us.

I really enjoyed my day playing it so far but I can’t shake Stellaris right now - they just released a new major patch that makes the game oh so much better. Of course it came out the day before Civ 6...

Clicks man. Clicks.

Please, tell us more about how modern media has shaped your point of view of all things.

Must have been Metric

You have Eidatic memory or something? If you’re almost 30 I’d have to guess you were 3-5 when the cold war ended.

Guess that answers the “whether Link is a boy or a girl” debate