Professor Dog

But...but.... he needs to follow up his (in my opinion) great performance as Kanji-kun

I love how most of these responses are still focusing on Donald Trump as if he IS the Republican Party. I think Republicans are in a very bad way this election where they want to be represented by their party but their party allowed itself to be overtaken by an orangutang in a badly fitting suit. It isn’t fair to the

Transcript for those who won’t/can’t watch the video:

People who live in the middle of the country many times need much higher trip distances than city goers. Hell to get my parents is 220 miles. Not far enough to fly, just close enough that I can make it after work on a Friday.

200 miles is still not enough :( I have frequent need of 220-315 mile trips. I’d need a car that can make that + have a buffer against inclement weather as well as degredation of the batteries over the life time of them otherwise I’m a gas guzzler for life.

Lol @ “hard working journalist” - I saw this video pop up in my feed yesterday on youtube while watching the guy getting stung by the Hornet Wasp.

A keyboard that displays emojii and everything else along with imessage on a machine is more what I was aiming for with that one.

I hope this thing has a memory to it to show the last keys used. I can just imagine a mother going to use the keyboard after her son spent the night “studying”

Technician Johnson: “Ma’am, we’re descending nominally to the planet at 1700 miles per hour.”

Have you seen ‘Sploid lately?

Does your community’s pamphlet describe the “vivid paint choices in any one of THREE shades of gray” when moving into your cookie cutter house?

As a desktop support manager, BB scares the everloving shit out of me if I ever had him in a room where something wasn’t working right.

Let’s see here...2008 had the Senate and House controlled by the Democrats and in fact the Senate was majority held by the Democrats (8 years!) until 2014 where the Republicans finally controlled both houses.

That’s okay because our national debt has also doubled in the last 8 years under a democratic president. But hey, who’s counting. It’s just fake money right?

That’s true too...I forgot about those bastards, they aren’t out anymore this year.

You know...

So the Scrotum frogs hail from Lake Titicaca.