Professor Dog


Lol at first glance I thought this was some sort of horrible euphemism for Trump.

Imagine the speech from Tim Cook...

Agreed - Anyone who eats commercially processed meat is partaking in far more butchery and cruelty than people who eat meat they hunted. The hypocrisy is hilarious. I’ve had debates on the morality of hunting while the person taking the stance against hunting was chomping on a fast food burger.

If you eat commercial meat, you’re doing far more harm to animals than a hunter (in most cases). Believe it or not most hunters are not savage beasts out there to rip the beating heart out from an animal.


“Can you survive a 129 foot drop? Click here to watch this INSANE video!”

Don’t newborns need a mother’s milk if all possible for the first few days in order to gain those help immunities/bacteria that newborns lack.

You know why they are polling at 9%?

You know what? I’m becoming a jaded older man. If someone brings a Note 7 on a flight somehow and refuses to give it up and the airline allows it and that phone blows up, the person deserves to be charged as a terrorist. And the airline sued.

L3ft R3d D3ad

Here’s an experiment I wish we could see somehow - I’d like to see a reverse in a way of a hydraulic press against a set of interlaced phonebooks. Mythbusters did this with some crazy results including suspending a car from two phonebooks and two TANKS effectively destroying the bindings of a phone book whithout

Looks like a bad night eating taco bell...

They’re just freckles you asshole!

Doctor Strange has gotten heavy criticism for its decision to change The Ancient One’s ethnicity from Tibetan to Celtic”

I...I kind of feel bad for the shark. I’m pretty sure he wasn’t thinking “MURDER DEATH KILL”. As far as I know sharks need to keep swimming to live (I’m probably way wrong on that) and he was more scared/in the process of dying rather than looking to eat a human.

“Jarvis, find Paul Bettany on this page.”

Showing my age here

$300 is the bare minimum I’d say to be set up with an FPV (First Person View) quad, plus a controller, a couple extra batteries (and trust me, you need them) and either a screen or a set of goggles.