Professor Dog

I always find it amazing that when people who do not speak English as a first language sing in English, almost all accent is dropped. Faye Wong has a very similar voice and same thing where she drops her accent.

“I apologize for my crude statement. Due to my limited mastery of the English Language and all of its complexities, I failed to properly qualify what the words ‘Go Die’ really meant. Please understand that it is due to this reason that I am unable say more than ‘Go Die’ to a player struggling to remain competitive in

Honestly I feel the NFL is becoming way less fun to watch

I just cannot wait for this game. I understand what you’re feeling with this one.

So let me get this straight. Males, playing a video game where you play as a CHILD, going out and catching and enslaving fake monsters all the while being forced into battles with potential pedophiles and being neglected by your parents are having issues with one Pokemon looking too much like a girl.

I heard a commercial for  “Human Capital Management Software” - I shuddered in the car. That’s all we are. Capital. Gains and losses. Lines on a spreadsheet, easily struckthrough when needed. 

“Never put your hands or feet in or near a crevice that you can’t see into.”

OMG This x1000

Same as the fact that it takes 3 attempts to plug in a USB port

So....this biker gang, they’re saying the Sun will Rise Again?

Whelp... that’s about 35 less mouths to feed in North Korea...

“The debate centers on two series featured in the exhibition, Black Star Press and schema; Aquafresh plus Crest with Whitening Expressions,”

Very interesting - I didn’t know any of this - thank you! I kidn of want to get into this...if nothing else just to have the cards for collector value down the road.

Funny because of the few people I’ve personally known who have built their own computer I’m the only one of them that has worked in IT and none of them asked for my help.

“Western fans eager to play the game themselves have been importing cards and doing fan translations for years. Those poor bastards will have even more to buy now.”

This is pretty much a fallacy these days to say that people can’t build their own computers.

“I scoured everything I could possibly find about why vaccines might be harmful. I became pretty convinced.”

“I am speechless, but here’s a novel I wrote for you regarding it”


These set so many dangerous precidents regarding the supposedly unbiased and fair reviews of products.