Professor Dog

Why don’t you ax her yourself? She loves it when anyone axs questions.

As punishment, here are season tickets to the Rams. Attendance is mandatory.

Yea, had this happened in the Jared Fogle case, he would have no reason to sue that girl’s parents

This is actually a complete can of worms that effectively is a he-said/she-said. While Snopes says it isn’t true, there are plenty of other sources that says it is. Who says who is right and wrong.

Question - honest question:

That’s because people that change lanes without signalling usually start their lane changes about half a mile back and slowly drift over to the lane the want to be in. Continental drift is faster than some people changing lanes without signals.


Yes why wouldn’t we explore new ideas and paths towards people’s futures instead of pigeon holing everyone on an increasingly outdated idea that college is both for everyone and the only way to success in life.

Legend of Heroes: Trails of Cold Steel has a pretty legit sound track too

Benintendi’s thoughts as he drops the ball out of sight of the camera

Now playing

“If that seems inconsequentially small, it’s worth pointing out that the winner in the women’s 50 meter freestyle only beat the sixth-place finisher by 0.12 second”

I’m kind of glad I waited to buy this game. Once I found out that multiplayer was not really implemented I felt like I wasn’t missing out by being part of the first wave.

Oh this new form is just FABULOUS

Convince me either way - do I buy this game or not?

“The nice policemen comforted Jole and Michele by making them a simple pasta with butter and parmigiano from the couple’s pantry.”

My comment/edit:

Go download the new update, they’ve made some improvement -

I don’t even like it if someone who is speaking broken or English as a second or third language has a translator all the time.

I’m hoping towards them stopping saying that everything is too much of a strain on their servers and can actually start rolling out features that they’re supposed to be working on.