Professor Dog

I just cannot wait for this game. I understand what you’re feeling with this one.

So let me get this straight. Males, playing a video game where you play as a CHILD, going out and catching and enslaving fake monsters all the while being forced into battles with potential pedophiles and being neglected by your parents are having issues with one Pokemon looking too much like a girl.

found her!

I heard a commercial for  “Human Capital Management Software” - I shuddered in the car. That’s all we are. Capital. Gains and losses. Lines on a spreadsheet, easily struckthrough when needed. 

There’s a lesson here for many of us I think. In our fast paced, get things done now world there are still people who take the time to create works of art.

Fail...OR CENSORED. There were two pictures of barely naked butts in my juvenile post. Muh 1st Amendment Rights.

I started using an Ad Blocker on Gizmodo et al when my clicks were effectively hijacked by ads that pushed the content I was trying to click down the page far enough that I clicked on the ad instead.

I should have been more clear - I meant people who fit the traditional idea of a “good worker” should have a far easier time being promoted/move up/better opportunities because they aren’t dumbasses at their job or interviews.

“Never put your hands or feet in or near a crevice that you can’t see into.”

OMG This x1000

Same as the fact that it takes 3 attempts to plug in a USB port

So....this biker gang, they’re saying the Sun will Rise Again?

“NASA’s Curiosity rover has completed its survey of “Murray Buttes,”

You know what’s great about this line? “Honestly, I think what you describe is largely visible in the current entry level workforce.”

Tell us more about this super hot take you have going here. I’m waiting with bated breath.

You mean doing Kanye’s work?

I’m not seeing any listings for the 3-8th movie on their website. Am I missing something?

Dude, that’s so lit.

Whelp... that’s about 35 less mouths to feed in North Korea...

“The debate centers on two series featured in the exhibition, Black Star Press and schema; Aquafresh plus Crest with Whitening Expressions,”