Professor Dog

Very interesting - I didn’t know any of this - thank you! I kidn of want to get into this...if nothing else just to have the cards for collector value down the road.

Funny because of the few people I’ve personally known who have built their own computer I’m the only one of them that has worked in IT and none of them asked for my help.

“Western fans eager to play the game themselves have been importing cards and doing fan translations for years. Those poor bastards will have even more to buy now.”

This is pretty much a fallacy these days to say that people can’t build their own computers.


Why do I feel like Samsung hedged their bets and said “well only .01% of phones are over heating so.... let’s play round robin, change the serial numbers, send them back out and we’re good”

Shame things like deer venison isn’t more widely available for people to eat. It’s tasty, lean and doesn’t come with the stigma of cow farts surrounding it.

Question on this:

“I scoured everything I could possibly find about why vaccines might be harmful. I became pretty convinced.”

I lost it at this response. Well played good sir or ma’am or unspecified gender neutral identifier of your choice.

Very interesting and today I learned something

I’m interested in the modified sex organ that this thing uses. Because the females have the stinger, males don’t - and obviously in my fairly limited anatomy experience I find that things that protrude from a body sexually tend to be of the male origin.

Or...allow hunting in areas to control deer populations.

Now playing

We didn’t listen!!! WE DIDN’T LISTEN!!!!

This is offensive. This costume offensive? Very big stretch.

“I am speechless, but here’s a novel I wrote for you regarding it”


These set so many dangerous precidents regarding the supposedly unbiased and fair reviews of products.

Why don’t you ax her yourself? She loves it when anyone axs questions.

As someone who has enlarged sinuses and gets intense headaches from all the pressure when I get a sinus infection I would probably use this.