Professor Dog

I’m one of those who doesn’t get the fall plague every year either, generally do not get a flu shot and does not use hand santizer. I’d say that each person is different and our immune systems are different for each person - hand sanitizer might not work at all in your case, you just might have a immune system like

billionaires,they’re not millionaires; they’re billionaires.”

You mean the sudden turn and rapid deceleration on grass wasn’t an attempt to avoid hitting this man and actually an attempt to run him over?


Level 60, vanilla raider here -

No it’s of my best friend’s wife worked at a hair salon and cut and colored someone’s hair with that name.

This is probably the perfect answer to this question - even though I do believe there is clickbaiting abound on all websites. But I like your answer :)

Ah I’ll check it out - I didn’t even know about the ones that were removed prior to hitting the shelves - that’s a far different issues.

Mr. Picasso Head


How does Steve Job’s teat and Tim Cook’s big dick taste these days?

Well at least that policy will only last for a little while yet since they weren’t smart enough to avoid pissing off a multi-billionaire with the resources to force them into bankruptcy via a cat’s paw.

Because we all know the automated copyright removals are 100% accurate don’t’ we....

Bullshit - there are only 4 forms and the rest are all imposters.

“serious illness requiring evac to a populated country”

In other news, Metroid confirmed on Earth?

I love Blizzard - have since I was old enough to play Warcraft 1 (probably 1996 or so?) - I don’t care if this is construed as fanboism or not, but this is a company I support through thick and thin.

“Traffic deaths could be dramatically reduced if we cut every speed limit by half.”

So you’re saying there’s a chance...

Whole foods and their legion of worshippers better watch out! BIG GOVERNMENT is coming with their strongly worded rebukes!