Professor Dog

if only...

“Likely the work of some sort of automated system comparing YouTube videos against television show footage”

What effect will this have on weather patterns in the US? This last year we had minimal snow and very few cold days in Minnesota - are we to expect above average snow and colder than average days in Minnesota if this is kind of a reverse of El Nino?

“But it does mean that any electric vehicles that were charged during that period were truly zero-emission vehicles.”

Reports also indicate that Idris Elba is STILL too street to be James ‘jamazzal’ Bonds.

Does surface tension work differently on a planet with lower gravity? Would waves from a tsunami be able to crest at higher heights because of this?

They figured out how to curb human greed and gluttony and wastefulness?

Meanwhile - Paradox Studios new release - Stellaris - got a negative review and this is how it was responded to.

You mean how Gawker posted a story from the National Enquirer about Ted Cruz’s extra marital affairs as fact? That fake news and tabloid information? Because that’s basically what you’re reading.

Think about it this way -

Eh, we don’t know if she’s staying with Bill for political gain or not. You’re right it’s her life and her right to do whatever the hell she wants with it, but like the marriages between royalty in ages past, it’s very well likely this is a political marriage. But still her choice to be in it for her gain if she

As a liability to any team I’m on in a FPS with my .24 KDR I applaud Blizzard’s stance on cheaters.

But seriously I didn’t know that. I thought that you couldn’t, because I thought David Hahn actually got in trouble for it, but I guess he didn’t.

Now playing

Wait. You mean that there was an unlicensed nuclear accelerator in New York City this whole time?

Ew... Sandy poop - clearly the worst poop to eat, it’s all gritty and really messes with the texture and flavor.

The least they could have done was use a Bing sign - hell Microsoft would probably welcome the advertising.

Still a vegan food. And delicious at that.

As someone who drafts Gronk year after year only to worry he’s going to get hurt time and again, I only have this to say.

I like this idea.

Can’t wait to see all the rural folk that’ll experience first hand Eminent Domain when they refuse to sell their land to allow the hyperloop to go through.