Professor Dog

right.... because my disdain for this person equates the same as him insulting multiple people over disabilities.

Fuck this kid and his enabling parents.

I hope we build a lander to go to Ceres... put our footprint on another celestial body

Is there any chance of a silver lining of Climate Change causing us to reduce the yearly emissions of heating during the winter, slowing the amount of climate change?

Is he going to quit Twitter over it?

What is this??????????

Ginger beer is the way to go. It’s delicious

you are missing out if you have a 3DS instead of a New 3DS - Xenoblade Chronicles 3D and The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth are exclusives for the New 3DS only

I think you can avoid spoilers - I didn’t find out how Breaking Bad ended until I watched it nearly a year after it came out and I was still online every day during its hype. As long as there are no clickbait articles floating around

I think the other potential problem is that GRRM now faces backlash from the fans if his version of the books do not coincide with HBO’s adaptation of them and the fans expectations of how it should go. I’m not sure if there’s even a term for this actually.

come on dude - it’s World of Diablocraft

Blizzard has had decades of industry leading franchises that consistently top charts when a new iteration is released in addition to completely changing the landscape of games when they do release a new IP (Heathstone, soon to be Overwatch, HotS)

Is there a phobia regarding a fear of sinking ships? Because I think I have that - it’s a weird feeling watching that, like set me on edge.

Oh please, don’t give me that whitewashing crap. She plays a Russian in Avengers and Russia is in Asia. It makes total sense.

Does that mean it’s Pussy McPussface?

I hope you’re voting. Because if you’re not, you have NO right to talk about politics. A vote = a voice. No vote = sit down, shut up and accept whatever consequences of your inaction comes about.

I came here unclear about the concept of free speech. After reading your well worded and thoughtful rebuttal to the original comment, I feel like I have a firm grasp on it now.

“all local” sounds a lot like “organic” which sounds a lot like “I can’t eat gluten”. It’s all BS (except for those medically unable to eat gluten, I do feel bad for you folks)

Interesting, because it doesn’t seem like it negatively impacts anything. I’m sure you also believe all sporting events should make their playbooks and strategies public as well in interest of fairness and to prevent a negative impact to the game.

“I’m so mad that someone’s personal choice on how to represent themselves in a video game doesn’t align with what I think they should do. Also how dare ANYONE who isn’t good enough to be at the top use a name that I don’t approve of”