Professor Dog

Wrong. The people playing on the vanilla server were not customers - they weren’t paying Blizzard and Blizzard was well within their rights to shut that server down.

And yet mass media is constantly blamed for being an influencing factor in real life violence. I’m sure there’s no correlation there though.

Question - in general - about alcohol. One of my GF’s old co-workers posted a story on facebook about how in the far past of her life, she nearly died from alcohol poisoning. She said she had not drank alcohol that night but was found around 2am near death with a BAC of .3+ (yes, point 3)

You’ve got to be shitting me. mind it hurts...these are like...lumberjacks and hipsters all in once. Flannel overload. Beard overload. Make it stop....

Have you read “Virus Hunters of the CDC”? It’s a fascinating look at what these level 4 CDC virologists have to go through to isolate, research and help people.

Funny how someone is quick to vilify guns in some posts yet revel in torture and murder in another.

Apple probably should have just helped the government. Now instead of being the champions of citizen’s rights and privacy, they’ve just exposed themselves as being able to have their security cracked by any two-bit google searched “hacker” outfit.

Pretty sure we learned more about Pluto at 45,000 mph in one shot than we have learned in nearly 100 years of acknowledging Pluto’s existence. But hey, we all like to argue online. I get it.

No I actually believe HC believes that he did such a good job in Ep. 2-3 that he felt that having a cameo in Ep. 7 would diminish his previous work.

Not the aggressor doesn’t mean not the perpetrator. And in this case, a fender bender escalated and lead to a man dead.

I think they’re making strides towards putting this game F2P with an option to pay monthly. If you think about all the things they’re changing and the reasons they’re changing it, it’s like they’re building the infrastructure towards that model.

For anyone who just doesn’t want to see these articles anymore:

You’re so quick to prove people wrong that you are arguing with yourself. You are sad.

D’awww some wittle sumwon missed nappie time

You mean this is the real end game of Attack on Titan?

Didn’t these fuckers grow up yet? Or is there a perpetual 12 year old coven of fuckers living on Xbox Live?

I hope Forrest Whittaker’s character is really Mace Windu. Got the limp from being thrown on Coruscant but hey, it can’t bring a good jedi down.

Is it possible... Just possible that some of these sci-fi tropes and even possibly myths about another planet out there (one directly across the sun from Earth) could be inspired by this planet?

Unpopular opinion here, and that’s fine. To me, when they do the adventurous stuff with mechanics is when the game shines its best.