Professor Dog

I posted elsewhere in this article but a study by MIT in the store I worked in found that customers that were greeted within 10 seconds of entering the store were 70% more likely to buy something.

Being Helpful”

Silly question:

“Apparently, many, many people have missed “your point.” You may want to consider why that is. No one has starred your comment, and many people have (rightfully) called you out on it. The problem here isn’t with us.”

Because only poor people pirate games am I right?

Ahhh...Game Developer Tychoon. A game that ripped off another game and then whined when they found out people were pirating their game. Thus is life.

I played FF13 quite a bit and found I didn’t care for the character Snow much.

I have to ask... who is it actually hurting to put diverse characters in the game and why is it anyone else’s fucking business. Seriously. if I play this game, would I find my experience negatively impacted because I have a quest or a party member that is transgendered? I highly doubt it.

failing to turn the first-ever movie starring three of the biggest, most popular superheroes in the world, into a film that analysts believe won’t even make a billion dollars worldwide.

spermaceti- this sounds like the worst pasta ever

Aren’t the Broncos in a good spot now cap space wise anyway with Payton gone and Brock gone?

Wrong. The most important part of the Star Wars movies is how many little creatures you have in your bloodstream that CLEARLY dictates your future.

Fuck off.

Configuring HIMEM.sys, EMM386.exe, autoexec.bat, and config.sys was serious business back then. Figuring out how to get the memory balanced properly to allow BOTH sound and mouse input or any other amount of various configurations was a definite boon to me in terms of my career path.

These laws feel like some outdated attempt by late 80s/early 90s law makers to preserve American car manufacturing and imports. I get the sense that the EPA was a cat’s paw for this and the environment just really didn’t matter with the original law.

This was the right call from our perspective, and we think the game will be just as fun the next time you play it.

So was it Porkins slamming into Jupiter or dropping a fly-by deuce?

The optimist in me thinks this is a good idea for the long term.

Hey - check this out:

Hey - check this out: