Professor Dog

I stayed up til the end to watch this and was not disappointed. Not only was it a full run of one of my favorite games, they broke 1.2 million for donations AND at teh very end I found out that SGDQ is coming to Minneapolis this year - I am effing stoked. Well worth staying up to finish.

It’s just sickening - both Walsh and Locke are getting death threats. DEATH THREATS over a fucking game. Bet you AP isn’t getting death threats over fumbling that ball.

Folded protein or blurry cam video of

He owned up to it though at least - where is AP taking ownership of his second critical fumble in two games? Where’s the rest of the team taking responsibility for the fact that they couldn’t get in the end zone for 60 minutes? Such bullshit our fans are.

The hate against Blair Walsh is unfair - I know that it was the FG that needed to win the game but he had already completed 3 that had the rest of the offense done ANYTHING would have been extra points. . Where was the rest of the offense today? Where’s the hate against AP for fumbling AGAIN in a critical game (see

Speak for yourself. As a white man I am very concerned about Cam Newton’s dancing and hip gyrations causing untold numbers of white kids to lose their morals, values and start gyrating as well. Cam Newton is going to destroy white culture.

Will you join in our parade

So edgy

Now Carolina is a perfect 14-1 team. All is right in the world.

I am drunk and watching your head bob back and forth in the main kotaku gif is really really hypnotic.

Because there’s one thing that trumps lying politicians and it’s science. Well and math. So two things. And engineering. So I guess three things. Almost like STEM actually is a real thing

De-debunked? Debunked squared? Omg.... that’s it. Illuminati has 5 syllables. Debunked has 2. 2 plus 2 = 5. ILLUMINATI CONFIRMED

Are you seriously saying that lizard people and 9/11 was done by the government are mutually exclusive theories? I thought your shape-shifting lizard people WERE 9-11. Also lemmings has an I in is so Illuminati are confirmed as well.

Actually it wasn’t. Because science. And also embedded links within an article. Also reading comprehension. Also critical thinking.

Uh huh...and the article says that while the science of the video above is flawed, that they’ve already (Popular Mechanics have) proven that the 9/11 conspiracy theories surrounding the jet fuel are dumb and have been debunked.

“You twist my words to your context” I like this.

Thanks - I kept thinking it was tensile strength that I was looking for but that didn’t seem right. And I figured torsion wasn’t quite accurate either.

I actually can’t tell if you’re saying Popular mechanics disproved this video above as false, or if they’ve already proved the fact that jet fuel could and was a contributor to the collapse of the towers, thus proving that the Government Black Suit Illuminati Men of Intrigue didn’t it and disproving the theory that it

Yes I’m replying to myself - what I would actually like to see is someone heat steel just like he did above and test it’s...what is that, bendability (I’m sure there’s a scientific term for it) at 100 degree intervals to see at what point it starts losing stability - like does it start bending at 1000 just slightly,