Professor Dog

Nope - Christmas is in December - December is cold in Minnesota - Cold equals snow - Christmas should have snow on the ground.

Holy crap what does this armed forces have to do to get promoted? PFCs have to fight off alien invasions? I’d hate to see what you have to do to get promoted to colonel

I’ve heard and seen news reports about new nuclear reactors in America that are fought by residents because it will “ruin the view”

Go back to Xbox live troll.

Patrick do you have a list of maybe your top 30-50 levels? It’d be cool (I know very time consuming for you so I don’t expect you to do this based on one request) if you could make a video detailing your top levels you’ve played with codes. I find myself wanting to get better but stuck in this weird hell of normal

This is a good price - I’ve learned alot about this stuff in the past few months after moving.
Word to the wise - if you want to upgrade and you have an older computer (specifically a computer without a USB 3.0 port) don’t even bother. The USB 2.0 wireless adapters are slow because they’re limited on transfer speed

This is a good price - I’ve learned alot about this stuff in the past few months after moving.
Word to the wise - if

Because Urban Minneapolis is also the same culture as the North Shore amirite?

Still not sure how Chip Kelly is considered racist when (at the time) the Eagles were 51% African American. I get that percentage was lower than I think the rest of the teams in the league but...still a majority.

I don’t think his intention was to make money off of it. I think his intention was to show the world he’s rich and rich people can buy one of a kind things because they’re rich.








You know he’s going to be releasing these tracks one at a time, at a cost of $1000 per track sold per person.

My first exposure to vaping was when I worked at Best Buy in the Mall of America.

Those people are insane - I would never do that. The closest I’ve ever been to that was my 90 year old passive agressive grandma in a casino - she would be sitting at a machine (Mind you smoking is still legal in casinos while banned everywhere else in Minnesota) and when someone would light up, rather than politely