Professor Dog

“I questioned Development about this when I saw the proposed name change internally, because if that was the reason then I was set to oppose it.”

Yea I realized that - I meant more the concept of taking...well oil out of the earth vs algae. Silly me.

Yea I realized that - I meant more the concept of taking...well oil out of the earth vs algae. Silly me.

Yea I realized that - I meant more the concept of taking...well oil out of the earth vs algae. Silly me.

I’m glad I managed to engender such a level of anger in you that you would begin killing yourself just to prove a point. It tickles my insides.

Does your girlfriend get things shoved in her ass when she asks you not to do something too?

If you bothered to read any further before going off on your own crusade about some perceived slight against your civil liberties you’ll find that I amended my original statement to make it specifically about vaping in places that smokers already can’t smoke in.

Except those choices are also forced upon other people in the form of second hand smoke. So there’s that. But nice try, trying to play the victim.

I honestly don’t know how biofuels work really - someone else had just mentioned strains like GMO so my mind made the next jump in the chain to proprietary strains working with proprietary engines. I’m sure its off base.

Like BP might have a proprietary BP strain of bio-fuel and Exxon might have their own?

Don’t forget he’s not funny either.


You know what’s really weird about me and I don’t know why - I have less problem with people smoking in bars than I do with people vaping in a bookstore. I have no idea why - maybe it’s just because it was kind of what I grew up around - no idea. I’m getting stubborn in my late 20s :P

Sorry - I thought you legitimately trying to tell me that if someone was concerned for their health and safety or the safety of say a child (because let’s be honest, the amount of back and forth on whether it’s healthy or not is pretty insane) you would not do it no matter what - I guess I misread.

You prove my point exactly. In fact, people who smoke e-cigs in a public establishment look like such douchebags they actually make people who smoke real cigarettes look cool.

Hey maybe while we’re at it we can debunk the idea that “melty” is a word.

the thing that pisses me off about e-cigs more than anything are the assholes who smoke them EVERYWHERE because they aren’t banned in public places (at least not everywhere yet, though that movement is gaining speed an traction). Then when someone asks them politely to put them out they refuse because there’s nothing

Does any of this solve the mystery surrounding the supposed massive easter egg that no one has been able to find in GotG?

This might be the first time in our lives we’ve seen a finished product look like the computer model of what it’s expected to look like.

It really isn’t any different than if we wanted to build a neutrino detector on Native American burial grounds. And of course in that case the “FUCK RELIGION” nuts would be out as well.