

Jesus what a moron. You're still buying the Vax propaganda after everything we know now? Pull your head out of your ass.

Lol who took the time to figure out this guy’s never hired a woman director? Who cares enough to write about it?

Well this article was a waste of server space....

Every female director in Hollywood is absolute fucking trash, just like the cunt that wrote this shit.

Or he could just hire the directors he wants...because it's his company.

Sunday Content Bot strung words together based on a complicated human attention measuring algorithm.

Outrage, clickbait, and we’re all too stupid to not fall for the bait.

Why does this article exist?

I love posts from white males bemoaning the success of white males without any sense of irony. I’m pretty sure 100% of all AV Club EICs have been white males. For many years the AV Club’s main hip hop writer was a middle aged white guy. (And he was really good at his job.)

To be fair, The AV Club staff is home to plenty of self-loathing white men who wish they were people of color. Surely that must count as diversity of some sort, right?

FACT: 100% of Ulysses S. Grant autobiographies were written by a white guy.

Well seeing as how 4 of the Star Wars movies were directed by the SAME white man and it was his creation.... this article’s premise is so irrelevant as to pass right by being irritating right to being laughable.

I always thought Tig Notaro publicly shitting on Louis CK was sort of a dick move. It seemed opportunistic, in a way-why stick up for your friend when it will only get you bad publicity? But whatever. Her show’s canceled and she’s still not funny.

As someone who has been to Haiti a few times, it absolutely is a shithole. Problem is, as Michael Che pointed out accurately last night, a big reason Haiti is a shithole is due in large part to the good ole USA, which of course Trump would never want to point out.

I don’t want to be one of ‘those’ guys but Wahlberg negotiated the bonus. Williams did not. This is irrelevant clickbait.

If he did do some of those things he’s clearly horrible, but “my wages to do a nude scene weren’t as high as I would like” is a really lukewarm inclusion in this.

Treating Europe like a monolith is probably a bad call.

How can you be certain. Maybe there was no ill intent at all. maybe...just maybe they weren’t thinking about race at all. maybe they were seeing all of their models equally, as human beings, and not even taking skin color into account? I mean that is the goal isn’t it? To not even think twice about someones race. To

Europeans need to drop the wide-eyed, innocent act. Oh, is that considered racist? We have no concept of that here. Yeah fucking right. Liars.