
Farhad Manjoo is a self-important stick-in-the-ass and so are you.

A. “Kick-ass.” Really????

That’s just weird and creepy.

he should get a second one from her speech where she calls black children ‘super predators.’ really match the set

I think this review’s score is horseshit. How difficult is it to follow all the things the episode is setting up? It’s not confusing at all. It hit all those Bigger, Longer and Uncut callbacks so you should know there’s going to be a payoff to all of this.

weird to see your grades for South Park get gradually lower as they continue to level out their criticisms of both Conservatives and Liberals, and point out the hypocrisies of each.

And just like that Melenoma became my favorite Trump

Nah, thanks. I think I’ll stay. But anyone here who has a problem with that is perfectly free to leave if they want. ☺

If Melania was married to a liberal* we’d all be praising her for such a daring, artistic and non-conformist Christmas decor.

Another gripping article, Katie. Essential journalism.

There’s nothing in my comment that would even qualify as saying it was an opinion.

I’m sure you don’t see it this way, but these are the type of headlines that make Liberals look petty, hypocritical and dumb. Please stop.

It’s all the same to them. Remember the Pixar guy is leaving Disney for “Inappropriate hugs.”

What is the point of this article?

I know when I look at all the super heinous rapey shit that Harvey Weinstein did, and hear volumes of similar allegations directed at an ever-growing list of Hollywood power-players, that’s when I think what we really need to be doing is doubling-down on our seething hatred for a guy who said some rude things to a cop

Discrimination is discrimination, I guess gay people or trans people who get murdered over prejudice in a hate crime don’t matter as much because they happen to be white and therefore have privelage, youre essentially arguing that a minority group getting discriminated against matters more dependant on skin color, as

Well, you entirely missed my point, yes white privelage is a thing, nowhere did I say it isn’t, and I mentioned the Irish because they were a persecuted group a long time ago and because the hatred and prejudice is essentially identical, the people who hate just moved on to a different group, but it’s still derived

Not entirely true, there was a time when anyone who wasnt anglosaxan was persecuted, just look at how the Irish were treated in the late 1800s, prejudice has just evolved in the intervening years, but its still driven by a hatred of the “other” by most cultures, I would argue that the joke that All Italian Americans

Why do I keep seeing this hand wringing over The Punisher glorifying gun violence on the same sites that constantly gush over John Wick?

If this show doesn’t have Frank sick a polar bear on some mobsters by punching it in the face I will be disappointed.