
I can’t imagine shilling for big pharma and the government’s power to force you into making medical decisions you don’t agree to. I’d feel like a massive prostitute. Do you feel like a massive prostitute William?

In the UK vaccinated were dying off at rates of 3x more than unvaccinated for a good part of the year. In the us almost 60% of Covid deaths last year were unvaxxed.

Well we certainly can’t let negros like Terry and Kanye wander too far off of the plantation and get to doing some of their own thinking now can we? I fully support the metaphorical whipping he received from his Twitter overseers. 

Because then how would you know what should outrage you?

As a domineering white male, thanks for acknowledging my dominion over everything. 


They don’t. No one is entitled to be allowed into this country.

By “those” guys do you mean a guys possessing logic? Wahlberg obviously has a better agent but god forbid we don’t make out to be about the patriarchy.

If Black people associate with monkeys perhaps the problem lies within themselves?

Turkey isn’t European. Only a sliver of it is on the continent.

Perhaps you should read up on history yourself, there are 50 countries in Europe, only ~8 of which participated in any colonial activities. Maybe you should stop generalizing.

Racism is not just anti black. I don’t think Asians, Africans and Latinos are to keen on white people.

Maybe black people need to stop projecting and identifying with monkeys? If you see a black child and the word monkey and associate the two maybe it’s you who’s racist.

Because the AV Club and Cracked have gone full SJW retard. Have you really not noticed?

Cool, Hilary Clinton tattoo. Pick one.

Preach. This episode was fantastic, burn peobably hit to close to home for some.

You seem triggered.

Here I thought it was a place to read about and discuss pop culture. Instead it a place where smug douches jerk each other off

What racist bullshit? Am I missing something?

The experts said it was a bad idea from an economic standpoint. Some people care about their country and national identity over money.