
Speaking to media doesn't help Marshawn Lynch's team win games, but it does help him and his teammates make money, and that's the thing. If players stopped being accessible to media, how long before interest in the games themselves started to dissipate? That Lynch's teammates (and opponents, for that matter) continue

This is totally wrong!

People are not going to get this. Good luck.

Swing and a miss on that one.

Half of me appreciates that.

Really? It's the "he gets paid to play football and ONLY to play football" fuckery that baffles me. Viewership, attendance and player salaries would be nowhere near the level they are if all any player ever did was play football.

Wait, but you are commenting on a deadspin article... *head explodes*

I don't think you realize how large of a role journalists (even the dumb ones) play in the popularity of a sport.

Without sports journalists, how would you know anything about your favorite team/ player? And how would you watch games?

Seriously. Who is this NCAI or Oneida Nation to try and represent what Native people think. You're the expert on that!

Your first sentence is completely and totally wrong. Everything that follows is an awful attempt to link two incidents that are completely unrelated by using the bullshit justification of "asking questions."

but the racists would miss it, because you know, "IT'S HOW IT'S BEEN FOR YEARS".

As a fan of the team, I wouldn't care if the name was the Washington Lawn Chairs. They'd still be my team.

If you look closely, those technical wizards have also given RGIII functional knees.

"Maybe they should read the rule book." -Tom Brady last week in reply to complaints about the Patriots' unique formations against the Ravens.

Tom Brady is not a good liar.

That's actually way less harmless than the scenario I envisioned of him trying to either score some weed/coke or a hooker and getting rolled by summer locals, as they're wont to do to Howellys.

I don't know, if you had a front page like that, would you let anything else get in its way?

I hope the IOC awards the 2024 games to Doha, Qatar. The two deserve each other.