
Yeah, the key is not wanting to come back. But who really wants to go back?

Counterpoint: Nothing disrupts a self-proclaimed poker pro, of the variety who writes long-winded preachy lectures about the proper "table etiquette", like doing everything listed above as something you should not do.

Don't be the prick that treats every hand like it's the championship hand of the World Series of Poker. Poker should be fun, and stressing yourself out over a $20 game will ruin it for you.

I'm a dealer and a room manager.

Most importantly don't let anyone tell you what to do at the table unless it's a dealer or poker room manager. The amount of rookies I've seen bullied into chopping is insane.

Am I supposed to believe Kyle Wagner has ever been involved in more than a $20 buy-in game?


Hold on Barry, you actually expect me to believe that the NFL knew about a problem and failed to act on it?

Who handles pucks until they are used? Baseballs? Basketballs? Etc. The fact that teams have their own footballs until they are used is just dumb.

Nah, it would only drop by 1 psi. 70F = 294K, 30F = 272K. p1/T1=p2/T2... 12.5psi*272K/294K = 11.6 psi. Also I don't think it was that cold, because it was raining during the game, could be wrong about that though...

My take as someone whose officiated.

No. Each team provides the refs with 12 balls, and then they use their own balls on offense. You can read a longer explanation in the piece I wrote yesterday.

They are gorgeous photos.

the Yoshiyuki pics mentioned here:

Prosecutors remain baffled at the fact that of all the people surveyed, they can't seem to find a Patriots fan who began following the team before 2001.

Not really - I hate to be that person, but I really preferred the book in terms of executing the overall storyline. The movie isn't really standalone in terms of being the caliber of a psychological thriller like the book. Worth seeing, though, if you're into thrillers.

I thought it was excellent, speaking as a person who also read the book. The screenplay was taut, the acting was fantastic with some real standout performances (Tyler Perry. Honestly.), and in the tradition of David Fincher movies, it was icily gorgeous to look at. I really, really, really enjoyed it.

It wasn't the greatest movie of all time, but it was definitely one of the best films of the year. It was definitely more critically acclaimed than Theory of Everything, Imitation Game, and American Sniper. Also, people always complain about how Oscar never nominates popular movies and Gone Girl was way more

No!!!! It was AWFUL. 0% was Oscar-worthy. Love the actors, directors and like the source material enough but it was just so terrible altogether. So terrible.

I looked at a car there last month and regretted it. Super bro-y. The salesman kept disappearing, leaving me waiting at the desk for at least five minutes at a time, even when I just asked for a business card. He and his manager tried every trick in the book to keep from giving me a price. I eventually gave them a