Yes, really. The last one was notorious for its MPGs. It's a point I care about.
Yes, really. The last one was notorious for its MPGs. It's a point I care about.
I look forward to seeing more photos. I have to admit I'm not exactly won over by its appearance in this one photo. I also look forward to learning out its MPGs. The last incarnation was terrible in that regard.
"Oh wow. Must suck for the offense when the league makes an arbitrary rule that makes your job that much harder. (wanking motion)"- Every defender in the league.
I'm finally working up the courage to ask this. Why is it that in soccer, and soccer alone, when referring to a city, we treat it as a plural, and adjust our verbs accordingly? Soccer: Barcelona are a complete disaster. Basketball: New York is a complete disaster. Please, help me sleep at night.
How many Barcelonas are there?
Barcelona IS
Matt, quit making burners to post about how hot you are. We've discussed this.
Similar to the model most gyms follow, especially bargain gyms like Planet Fitness.
That makes a lot of sense.
I'd be sympathetic if she had pointed at another patron's table and asked for bread rolls. The woman in this story claimed she'd eaten them before, though, and her friends said the only reason they'd come was for the "free bread." Since they got a comped appetizer that time around too, I'm actually inclined to…
Because she was an ass about it. She was rude to the server as were her friends. If she'd been polite then fair enough it would be mean to laugh, but she wasn't.
comment_ninja moved this thread to #falseequivalenceisthefallacyofourtime
eat shit along with golden tate eating your hobbit qb's slut wife's diseased pussy
...he says that head coach Marc Trestman's latest comments "put the apostrophe" on the season
The people not recognizing your sarcasm make me smile. And sad.
Let me get this straight, some kind-hearted Jaguars fan went out of his way to make sure that this couple didn't have to spend a weekend in Jacksonville and somehow he's the bad guy?
The Patriot's save some cash.
This just doesn't sound like something the Patriots would do.
Jesus fucking christ...... she has pretty eyes.
"I cant breathe"