
How does being honest increase the "very real chance of actual physical danger?"

What is the harm in being honest?

You realized you just asked a roomful of girls a question, every single one of them gave you an honest answer, and you're still refusing to accept it or take no for an answer or go the fuck away?

Why is anyone supposed to give a shit about your precious tender feelings, exactly?

Why not ask another dude to dance? There are a bunch of wall-flower men out there and they seem to prefer to watch the dancing from the sidelines vs. actually dancing. My girlfriends and I end up dancing among ourselves.

Usually, if we're going out to do a little drinky-drink, we're going to a bar. Not a club.

And risk being assaulted because of the rejection? No thanks.

I know, right? He's a walking, talking masterclass in Failure to Take the Hint.

When you decide to approach someone you don't know, they don't owe you anything, including a self-improvement course.

If a girl wants to provide "feedback" to a guy who is unsuccessfully hitting on her, more power to her? However, she owes him nothing, and honestly if I were to do that I'd be afraid I'd be emasculating him, possibly causing him to become more aggressive.

My God, that might be the best headline graphic ever to grace a Gawker site. Fucking amazing, that one is.

Seriously, man, how many girls had boyfriends? Like, a lot a lot? Double digits? Triple digits?

How does it hurt more to be told "I have a boyfriend" than "No, it's all you"?

You are literally a man who can't take no for an answer.

If I didn't ask to be hit on, why the fuck do I care if I'm hurting your feelings?

No means no, dude.

You seem like the type of guy women need to call security on.

It sucks, but some guys don't take a simple "No" for an answer. The "I have a boyfriend" excuse is the one that persuades guys to leave me alone with the highest percentage of success.

Some assholes won't take "no" from a woman if they think they have a remote chance, or will take the rejection personally (which I guess it is) and use it as an excuse to attack her. The "boyfriend" is a rejection that doesn't make him feel as emasculated.