
Jesus fucking christ...... she has pretty eyes.

"I cant breathe"

Maybe I need to go to bed but I just found this obnoxious.

So they should ignore major news stories because it's "irresponsible"?

eh. Cut several thousand words off of it and then it might be worth the read.

I heard that call live when I was preparing dinner (I think it was around then) and I really liked how Francesa at least got him in the trap by asking him if he'd be so offended if the players had come out expressing solidarity with the cops. I kind of wish you had the rest of the call recorded.

So, 1st Amendment applies to Joey from Islip to exercise his free speech to be an ignorant crypto-racist, but does not apply to the young black men that exist only to entertain him. Got it. Thanks for calling Joe!

No one complained about Tebow talking about God, they pointed out how ridiculous he appeared with his over-the-top-Jesus-is-my-left-tackle nonsense as well as the fact that he aligns himself with a vicious and mean-spirited strain of Christianity that is at the forefront of every ugly right-wing bigoted Christian

How do you explain this "hands up" thing, he wanted to know, to the children?

I was watching an interesting documentary on this which said that child porn was the wrong word. They said it was the visual recording of the sexual abuse of a child. Its a very important distinction. Its a recording of a very serious crime not a simulation which is why it is illegal.

"Child porn is illegal because it can be morally corrupting" or you know, because it involves violating actual children in it's production...

But whose morals? Ted Cruz? Pat Robertson? An old racist senator from Alabama? The church lady? My grandmother who loved chickens or a Puerto Rican Grandmother who loves cock fights? You know that your argument is very weak don't you? Maybe the guy who goes to dominatrix to get paddled each week is that nice church

You're either a rilly smart troll or a rilly stupid cockfart.

Actually, it's hardly as clear cut as you're claiming. The Supreme court ruled against making animated or simulated images of children in pr0n illegal. Congress tried to reinstate the law by adding an exception only when "it lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value". Large chunks of that have


Tooter, child pornography is illegal because there's a *child* involved. A *child* that legally cannot give consent to sex. A *child* that would have to have sex acts for the film to be considered child pornography.

Are you with us now?

It has nothing to do with obscenity. Are you dense?

What other things do you object too should we ban outright? You're feelings are less important than you think sweetheart.

Should we also ban people from having rough sex?

Correction, child porn is illegal in this country because the production thereof require the abuse of REAL CHILDREN not because it's corrupting (heck, it's hard to top child sexual abuse).

So by your same logic if you don't "tolerate" a pederast you're a bigot. So when you have kids, if you express any trepidation about a Level 3 sex offender moving into your neighborhood that makes you a bigot.

Dude, go back to the dorms, your 101 class is sick of hearing you.