
If I do the same things Dater did, I deserve whatever treatment I get.

I don't ask women for naked photos via direct message, I don't tell women their opinions aren't valid because they're women, I don't call athletes pussies, I don't interact like an asshole to dozens of Twitter followers, and I don't fire off ridiculous e-mails to fellow writing colleagues.

I thought asking for impeachment was common? I do it at least once a week.

Yeah. I just thought the Patriots learned how to use tape a few years ago.

Bieber's the 6.

Oh man, this made me laugh so hard. Nicely played, sir, nicely played.

This is karmically pre-ordained. Jets are dumb enough to draft Jameis, Jameis signs amaze-balls contract with Jets, Jets have no choice but to start Jameis right away, Jameis has a catastrophic implosion on a scale grander than Jamarcus Russell's. Vegas probably won't even take bets on this happening, as it isn't

And it's kinda encouraging for Geno's post-Jets career, right? Get him with a decent OC and QB coach, and who knows?

Get ready for the Jameis Winston experiment. Woody Johnson has already got a boner just thinking about the publicity.

It's not Sanchez's fault that the Jets were too dumb to realize they had a decent QB in him. The Tebow fiasco, the lack of weapons and the insistence on "Ground and Pound" long after they stopped being an elite rushing team did him in. I'm really glad he's succeeding, even though, as a Giants fan, I hate that it's for

I dislike the Eagles but root for Sanchez heartily every game. He got such a fucking raw deal with that sideshow Tebow, and I'm glad he's succeeding.

And it speaks to a scary proposition regarding the Jets finding a new QB next April and his chances of being any sort of savior.

Reporter #1: Coach Belichick, do you have any comment about your team frolicking with Jusin Bieber last night?

Scratchin' the lice I assume.

So viewed, the record reveals that in July 1997, Roorda attempted to try to "cover" for another police officer by filing a report that contained false statements as to what happened during a suspect's apprehension and arrest.   As a result of this false report, all charges against the defendant involved were dropped,

"it is not the violent thugs burning down buildings that buy their advertiser's products"

So, let me get this straight: Missori cops want to punish black men for putting their hands up and saying "Don't shoot." Hrm.

you know what I find offensive? 18 year olds getting shot and prosecutors intentionally throwing the case

As a complete outside reading about something on jezebel I am curious for more details, the author is neither my friend nor someone I know, so I'm assuming she isn't posting here for a pat on the back, but rather voicing an opinion. If a friend said they were getting a divorce I would be completely supportive and only

"Please, please don't dare hold me accountable for any of my decisions!" "Justify my every decision like I'm a 5 year old".