Gluten Makes You Dick Fly Off

I was hoping they would have focused on just how dysfunctional the Joker/Harley relationship is, instead of playing it like a real romance. End the movie with Harley leaving Joker...and hopping into a car with a redheaded woman with vines wrapped around her wrists.

It’s not really “bias” to like things that are good and dislike things that are bad.

Now it’s official.

Harley Quinn is in prison because Batman ruined their date night.

How about that! Not even 100 replies in and the MRA guys have already showed up!!

I feel like someone should send these comments to the mother of your children. Threatening to punch random internet commentators in the mouth sounds like you have the total stability and patience required in order to raise properly well-adjusted children.

good news, friend, suicide squad is the movie for you

maybe you should be a better dad

At a crucial point in the film, he demands that in exchange for his service, the government broadcast BET into his prison cell, where he is being held for the crime of being a crocodile.

Because the Joker would just be considered a regular guy in Florida.

“Techcrunch speculates that this might be a thinly veiled shot at Gizmodo for our coverage of the site.” ... Or it could be a thinly veiled shot because Giz has gone from being arguably the best tech blog to a site that is very click batey. Seriously what is with the spammy fake articles at the ends of actual articles

Rich, are you sure you haven’t gotten your byline mixed up with HamNo’s?

You can remember him any way you choose. Most of us will try to forget him. Future generations will learn about a sad, bitter hustler-turned shitty C list actor who beat his wives, talked to a chair in front of millions, ranted about how appalling it was that society betrayed his ignorant racism, then died alone,

You triggered Locomotive Jones, lol.

Yep, he misses the days when pretty much anyone who ‘told it like it was’ who wasn’t white, male, and at least middle class got killed, beaten, imprisoned, fired, or divorced. Those were the days...(and are not completely in the past by a long shot). I wonder how he’d react if he was brought face to face with the fact

I respectfully object, Clint. This is clearly the booty generation and the fact that you think it is the pussy generation denonstrates how wildly out of touch you are with the youths

So we’re “pussies” for rejecting racism in favor of “political correctness” yet he still tempers his statements with “...I can understand where he’s coming from, but I don’t always agree with it.” He says something racist then walks it back a little. It’s tiring, just be the racist old man we all know you are.

White men getting offended over other people getting offended is the most pussy shit of all. Just fucking get over it.

Dude. It’s not racist to not know the lyrics to a song. It is pretty racist to hear a woman of color singing something other than “proper English” and assuming it’s not even language.