Gluten Makes You Dick Fly Off

He can still throw a football over them there mountains.

Old man strength. It will get you every time.

It’s sad that no one will get this.

It’s because she was planning to wear skates, but probably had to wait until she got on a suitable surface. The skates are even in the photograph if you pay attention.

Can anyone in the Great Plains area of the Midwest recommend a sour that is available around here? I’m in Nebraska, which usually gets the best of both worlds* when it comes to craft-style beers, but I’ve struck out on finding a sour beer in local stores.

You do realize that Charlotte ISN’T in VA? Right?

I don’t know who is doing the marketing for this movie, but they aren’t getting paid enough.

Question: Why is the casting of Blind Al being reported as if it just happened? She was in the trailer, so I’m presuming that she was cast a while ago and they’re just getting around to announcing it.

Here’s a piece of advice for the future: If you don’t know anything about a subject, it’s best not to comment on it.

Oh dear. I can see that you must consume a great deal of American media, because you’re engaging in one of our favorite cultural pasttimes: Blaming America’s social ills on the less fortunate.

So, in other words, you think it’s the server’s responsibility to maintain the illusion that you’re not hoovering your food like a starving dog while everyone else at the table eats at a reasonable pace. Maybe slow down and chew a little, buddy.

It’s roller derby.

If you can’t get down with roller derby AND roller dancing, sir, you need to get right with Jesus.

You mean the McPoyles?

That was my exact reaction. Maybe only one in five seek treatment?

I appreciate the sentiment, but this is where I mention that guns are actually a poor self-defense weapon. Especially for women, and especially in circumstances such as these.

Possible, definitely. That’s a weird place for a voiceover from an unseen character, though.

Girl, this is an intervention.

Came here to post the same. Ook ook?

Like you, I have never really been one to wear makeup because Reasons (feminism, a somewhat butch gender presentation, and laziness being the top 3), but as I’ve gotten older I’ve begun dabbling into a semi-regular makeup routine. This is less about wanting to be “pretty,” and more about wanting to look like myself —