Gluten Makes You Dick Fly Off

Ah, yes, page two of the fuckknuckle handbook! The “I respect your freedoms so much that I hope somebody physically harms you over them” gambit.

Go fuck yourself.

I know many former service men and women who would respect what he’s doing. Just because you serve your country doesn’t mean you go in for all that sensationalized and superficial patriotism.

How dare Colin Kaepernick disrespect a song once sung by such heroes as Roseanne Barr and Enrico Pallazzo.

This is also another one of those situations where a person will be chastised for not respecting “the country and troops, who gave them freedom.” Because suddenly expression and protest aren’t among those freedoms.

Conservatives on big government: “I made this money with my own hard work, I didn’t need the government’s help.”

The very least, there should be a scene at the start where Mama Quill, young as she is, is hanging out in a bar somewhere. She goes outside, gets some drunks following her and hassling her. Then there’s an exchange from a figure in the shadows. At the end of it, there’s a hand reaching out to her. She asks, “How did

Pence is more scary to me than Trump. People who want to break away the separation between church and state are dangerous. Just look at how Turkey is now that they have a non-secular leader.

That’s the correct reaction. This is so far beyond funny. This is not a game any longer. This is not a publicity stunt or fodder for bad Jimmy Fallon jokes. You may not like Hillary, i’m not a fan myself. but you can’t say with conviction that four years of her will make the country worse than four years of this. Of

imagine taking two seconds to read about what actually happened

You get yours tomorrow, yinzer.

Go to bed, Mr. Trump. You have a big speech tomorrow, and don’t want to waste your “A” material on Kinja.

I agree there is nothing wrong with it - I don’t mean to sound prudish. But it does seem at times that empowerment (if you’ll forgive the word) is now reduced to such displays. It would be nice to see the energy and the confidence asserted into other dimensions of identity.

“...[pictured below]...”


Found the fuckboy.

“Empowerment” is an empty phrase, used to market menstrual cups and mascara and I am loathe to use it in general conversation because of its disingenuous connotations. Despite that, MUVA Management sounds like it will be kind of empowering, in the actual, original meaning of the word! Imagine that.”

Being a man, I don’t suppose it’s my place to say - but it seems like there must be more to empowering women than exposing their flesh and getting them to pose with vampy expressions.

Society as a whole clearly has too much free time.

Tingle is the Oscar Wilde of our era