It’s a good thing there is no “Deadspin on Tape” or Floyd would be very upset at you guys.
It’s a good thing there is no “Deadspin on Tape” or Floyd would be very upset at you guys.
Kylie is not Tyga’s “new partner” in this scenario. The issue is that you do not introduce the people you are dating to your children until you know that person is going to be around for the long haul. It does a lot of harm to children, especially very young children, when someone who seems to love and care for them…
If she’s pissed at Tyga for bringing her child to his teenage girlfriend’s family thing, then she should focus on blasting Tyga, not a fucking 17 year-old. She has every right to be pissed, but shitting on Kylie reads more as an attention-whoring cheap shot than legitimate anger. Focus on your shitty ex and not a…
CNN is going live with it in 8 minutes. No time for fact checking.
He had an awesomely odd interview after the Heat broke a sleepy slump last season. When asked how they stopped their three game losing streak, Birdman said ‘We won today!’
Does anyone remember Ministry’s 1988 album Land of Rape and Honey?
Never before have I agreed more with an article in Kotaku, ever. Black Flag was that prodigal game that took over our minds, enchanted us to oblivion and back, and then left us wondering if the experience was just a dream or we had really experienced it. It was almost like the feeling a Bethesda game would achieve,…
If 6 of 18 women were raped in your class that suggests a serious problem in the way Peace Corps operates. You are letting them off too lightly here I think. It’s obvious that the locals know that you are not protected. Peace Corps should be kicking it Roman style. Instead they are abandoning you guys. Disgraceful.
Please stop embarrassing yourself sir, you didn’t even know what country this was is in.
Not really. Prison isn’t some super nice place, and it’s ridiculous that people think they should be treated like shit. If Marthian thinks he’s getting the short end of the stick on life because he has autism, he should complain about that rather than trying to drag other troubled groups into it.
If you really think that, go to jail or STFU. I guarantee if you were actually in prison you wouldn’t feel this way.
When it comes to dealing with the world’s assholes and atrocities, I live by the words of Mr. Fred Rogers.
Would you have preferred “In a world of dragonheart-eating milfs and John Baueresque redheads with nice asses, one albino hero must run through the labyrinth...”
I understand what you are saying, however, isn’t it also possible that she keeps getting the same “spicy Latina” roles and she is itching to do something different? Without seeing the film you are making assumptions based on a few fleeting images which may or may not be dream sequences, etc. I’ve seen my share of…
It's not minor- pregnancy puts a lot of strain on your body, and it's important that women are able to recuperate before putting themselves under that strain so closely over and over again, to avoid negative health outcomes down the line.
This isn’t about wearing short skirts or something, this is doctors giving medical advice about women allowing their bodies to recover.
They were all really lucky.
I’m pretty sure you aren’t supposed to tell people you’re in witness protection. That’s like going into a bar and telling people you’re a spy.
They were disrupting panels. They derailed The Mary Sue’s panel, with unwarranted questions and a staggering amount of obsolescence. In addition, they entered the Con under false pretenses, pretending to represent some internet property while instead representing incredibly dim witted opinions. So, two grounds for…