
Those 8 months when Kate Upton was relevant seems like 10 years ago.

Isn’t Starbucks one of the best case scenarios for lower wage workers? It was my understanding that they have been offering benefits and stuff for years before anyone gave that to service industry workers.

She went on to blame Hillary for Bill’s past infidelities, including his affair with Chanukah Lewinski and rumored misconduct with PauL’Chaim Jones.

I was thinking he was talking about getting hair plugs on his face and neck, as that man cannot grow face hair.

Yea, I love how the linked story reports that “A different witness said that the pie had whipped cream as a topping.”.

The Inland Empire is pretty solid Sprouts country. Whole Foods comes no closer than Yorba Linda, while there are Sprouts stores in Chino Hills, Rancho Cucamonga, Corona, Riverside, and Temecula.

Thanks, but I get mistaken for Terry Crews all the time.

Repeated pummeling is not an even approaching reasonable force for retaliating against someone throwing pie in the face of a public official.

Now, getting to the cops to administer a beating would be a whole ‘nother matter, if not downright American.

“You know, until there is a button on my AT&T Uverse remote that says “Netflix” I’m not going to bother (Yes, I know it won’t happen).

Three-peat with win totals of 74, 76, and 77 wins in ascending order. Plus a perfect 16-0 in the playoffs on the 77-5 team beating the superteam of James, Paul, Melo, and Wade.

I think you’re exaggerating. I’ve been to DC lots of times and I’ve never been able to find a street parking place downtown.

The 30-inch Zyla

The limit does not what these kids can achieve.

I mean, it's no 700 ft. marble race, but it was all right.

When I was in the Air Force, we got a bug report for the app I was working on. You could produce it by entering all of a new flyer’s information, adding a flight log and clicking save seventeen times. Instead of fixing it I came up with a workaround.

You have to click to set it off? What kind of shit is this, you expect me to work for it?

Green Russian?

Please show “spoiler alert” next time. I didn’t know what day it was either

Not the first Joseph S. to offer such a streamlined ballot.

It sounds like the guy has had quite a few awkward conversations with his significant others about marriage in the past.