“My favorite part of speech is article.”
This dude is the political equivalent of a Tinder date who won’t take the god damn hint after months of ghosting, isn’t he?
Hey Roy,
We’re not sure how to be more direct about this, but we’ll try again: We’re Not Interested. Period. Full stop. End of message.
Calling us whores, writing poorly-considered/spelled angry…
I have to assume that the NHL, as a multi-billion dollar concern, has some say over who can advertise on their broadcasts.
You could always just grab her by the pussy then ask her how she feels about it
As an expert in Bird Law, I’m pretty confident the Judge is just fucking with Dotard’s attorney and is going to laugh the request out of her courtroom due to the fact that it’s complete nonsense.
Oh sure, this happens all the time and has kept me out of jail. Often when the feds raid my crackhouse, I simply ask the judge to allow me to withhold all the drugs and money seized thus preventing any of it from being logged in as evidence. :/
She’s his lawyer so I can’t blame her for trying (but i can blame her for being his lawyer in the first place!) but even a complete rube can see why someone under investigation can’t get to decide what evidence may be used against him.
1 Unless Cohen has them written up in crayon, how is the Big Taint going to understand the documents?
Oooooh, poor baby Mark. He only helped elect Trump and sold 87 million Americans’ info for a mess o’ pottage.
Yikes, I’m not sure if I’ve never actually taken a good look at Zuckerberg or if the stress is getting to him. He’s got some full on “sick Victorian child” pallor happening.
The LDS leadership has been extremely aggressive in recent years in support of refugee assistance and, as a formerly persecuted minority religion, the need to protect other detested minority religions. (There’s a cognitive blind spot there when it comes to sexual orientations, but give it some time.) The people…
Agreed. I was considering Jon Stewart, as an example: same height but holds such a strong, grounded presence. While it is true that Mr. Stewart has broader shoulders, the confidence one carries speaks volumes.
I thought you had to be a millionaire for that?
> Attorney client privilege isn’t an absolute privilege—the applicable exception here is, if the attorney is conspiring or jointly engaging in criminal activity with his client, even if such communications would normally be subject to attorney-client privilege, the privilege does not apply.
Ouch looking like TJ miller but not being famous? I’d prob hit the gym instead of he stranger
Ironically enough, TJ Miller actually had a bomb is his bag.