
I’m absolutely a hypocrite. I don’t have the strength to tell my own parents to fuck off and never speak to them again. Same goes for these 20-30 year long friendships that got politically exposed in the last year. I wish I can give you a simple answer to a complicated question.

This is pretty good stuff. I’m starting to think this Biden fellow might actually be an improvement over the current administration.

It really is starting to look like the mob was just plausible deniability for an actual, planned, coup attempt. It makes it look like a spontaneous riot.. until you take note of how many people showed up prepared to do something a lot more specific than just break some windows and yell a lot.

It amazes me that anyone would be surprised to find out that the mob was made up of people of privilege. Your stereotypical poor white Trump supporter who lives in the sticks doesn’t have the means to travel to DC in the middle of the work week. The Trumper who ate a bullet (not mentioning her name because fuck her)

“News articles from the past five years depicting the plight of the down-and-out Southerner with no recourse but Trump are bullshit. They’re enjoying this. It’s the day they’ve been waiting for.”

Hermann Göring - May 8th, 1945 - Guys, come on, now isn’t the time for divisive rhetoric and pointing fingers. We should all come together as a world to heal and unite.

Can we just please call them terrorists? They are planning armed events, four people have already died as a result of their actions, they want to hold the government hostage so as not to impeach Trump. Call them what they are.

The notion that we can’t do something because they will react violently needs to die, already. Pre-emptive mollification has accomplished precisely squat. 

You have freedom of speech, lady. Until you participate in a violent insurrection that cost lives in the service of a deranged megalomaniac pushing absurd conspiracy theories in order to stay in power. You’re a traitor and you should shut the fuck up while you’re still dodging a jail cell.

It’s amazing how much people start to talk about “inclusivity” and “unity” and “bringing everyone together” after they get caught trying to overthrow the government

Oh don’t get me wrong, this is all about their bottom line. I’m just happy that what constitutes “best for their bottom line” no longer equals “catering to angry, stupid white people” anymore.

His life as a carny will never be the same.

yeah, all those people only get 2 weeks left of protection, then Biden’s DOJ comes in.

Thanks to God Susan collins is sure Trump has learned his lesson!

Such an important point. It’s always brave when any public figure takes a controversial stand. But LeBron James (net worth circa half a billion dollars) and Colin Kaepernick (got paid tens of millions of dollars over his career) aren’t risking their financial wellbeing. The average WNBA salary is $100k, which is a

You know who else worked to elect Warnock and should be feeling pretty good today?

You spelled all the words correctly.  Instantly gives you away.

The minivan.

It’s insane. Like, this “witness” she had on. Never mind this kind of thing being laughed out of court, this is caning journalism in the knees and leaving it in an alley for the rats. You just have a random person on spouting shit with ABSOLUTELY NO PROOF. No pictures, no video, of people apparently standing beside a

This whole sordid episode is yet another demonstration that the right now lives in a reality-free bubble of its own construction. All allegations that support their positions are to be accepted without any forensic analysis whatsoever, no matter how facially preposterous they are; all explanations that debunk these