
That’s what you’re supposed to do. I’ve never understood why people complain so much about blindspots, if you are turning your head to check the blindspot like you should, they aren’t that big of an issue. Yes, some of the newer cars have massive blindspots, but if you’re paying attention as a driver like you should,

She said she learned to free dive for the role and that her longest time was 7 minutes 14 seconds. She did not say she held her breath that long while filming scenes. She insinuated it. I think she did that on her own with a trainer under ideal conditions and is letting fans fill in the blanks with their own

If he doesn’t have an octopus on drums, then he has spent twelve years working on this movie for NOTHING


Bravo on the new purchase, the past few years of Honda’s are finally edging out the Siennas in overall quality and styling IMHO (I own a 07 and 11 Sienna.. jury is out on my next van). I feel for you and your wife- the added expense of the conversion is no small thing.

<Looks up lemon party.>

This is their chance to overturn Roe v. Wade and they made clear a loooooong time ago that was part of their main agenda.

What alarms me isn’t Romney confirming he does not oppose moving forward with confirmation of a judge nominated by a Republican President, but that Lindsey Graham is saying they have the votes to confirm the nominee even though we don’t even know who the nominee is yet. For all that Republicans claim to be the party

installing a SCJ during the lame duck opens a giant precedent that they may not want to go down, especially if Dems keep the House and win the Senate and WH. that is just asking to Dems to go scorched earth. having all 3 would allow Dems to increase the # of SCJ to whatever number they want.


Two people. I have no doubt if Trump loses Thomas will retire in order for Trump to sit some unqualified far right 30 year old with 50 years ahead of him on the bench. 

I always love how they put “innocent babies” as if they believe there are some babies (cough brown) that aren’t innocent.

so in the meantime, if he hasn’t taken any vacation this year, he should take a couple weeks off and drive around the US to use up those 12k miles.  Then write about it for Jalopnik.

He’s listed elsewhere as a principal in a contracting business (several, in fact) with a few other people. Dollars to donuts the vehicle is registered to one of those companies.

What blows me away is the shortness of his potential sentence, especially when you compare it to the mandatory minimums in the failed war on drugs.

Please don’t release it with that plain square grille Nissan... this took me 10 minutes, I’m sure it can be updated at this stage:

If LAPD finds the shooter and instead of jail time gives him 2 weeks paid suspension, then I’ll be as upset about this attack as I am about all the other shit. 

I am sorry, who is this “we” to which you’re referring?

Nah, but it’s useful ammunition in our many attempts at getting shit done.

OMG an American that doesn’t gloss over its racist past?  No... Please no!!!