Save your tears. We’re all going to be crying if, after these “silent majority” pearl-clutchers get done with their performative turnabouts and pull the lever for Trump anyway, because “he’s the safe choice.”
Save your tears. We’re all going to be crying if, after these “silent majority” pearl-clutchers get done with their performative turnabouts and pull the lever for Trump anyway, because “he’s the safe choice.”
It’s so fucking satisfying to hear her calling out the hypocrisy and non-evidential citing of wives and daughters in these kinds of statements.
I fully agree, and I’m hard pressed to think of anything which could turn perceptions around above such an action. So, East Coast based or not, you are fully correct in your thinking. My fear is that our PPB has a number of officers who agree with what the Feds are doing. And to make it even darker, because that’s…
30 year Portland resident, live 15 blocks from this madness...There hasn’t been a single elected/appointed official on the City, State or Federal level who have been in favor of the Feds being here. Most have screamed bloody murder, demanded they leave, and filed lawsuits to make them do so. That part is really cool.
Since these mediocre white men have failed upwards their entire lives, I’ve found that they completely lose their shit when met with ANY level of polite pushback, for any reason on any subject.
Can you imagine the reaction from the Right had it been AOC who called a GOP representative a fucking perjorative on the steps of the Capitol?
“...crime is a problem of a diseased society, which neglects its marginalized people.”
Much like racists, sexists often believe that they’ll be treated by others the way they treat others, which is why they’re so threatened.
All these big, tough, right wing manly men sure are in need of a fainting couch when AOC comes along.
And women are supposed to be the overly dramatic, irrational ones who can't control themselves....
I’ve been nervously talking to my wife about the potential for a citizen to defend themselves from being “fed-snatched.” Somebody is going to see 3 camo’d out white dudes climbing out of a van, no warrant or explanation being offered, and answer with violence.
Over on Facebook time and time again when I have advocated for some forms of gun control, especially after tragedies, I am met by a chorus of second amendmenters telling me that one of the most important reasons is protecting citizens from tyranny such as these troops by having unfettered ownership of firearms.
Have you guys seen this? Truly poignant.
They’re too busy fighting Walmart greeters over face masks.
My Women’s March sign said “Make Margret Atwood Fiction Again” and I was mostly thinking about abortion access but man it works on so many levels now.
It’s cool that the moms are showing up. You know who is suspiciously NOT showing up? All those militia types, who have as their stated reason for existing, being armed and ready to fight if the federal government oversteps its bounds and starts being tyrannical. Or something.
Your name is veryironic, considering that you are clearly an incredibly fucking stupid dipshit. Go fuck yourself, you moronic dumbfuck.
First of all, note that all of the protestors are wearing masks. Then note that you can go get a beer pretty much anywhere you fucking want, since basically everything is open. Then,…
You can have a beer with your friends anytime they want. Sounds to me like your friends just don’t want to hang out with you.
“Oh, so it’s ok for us to spend our paychecks on rent and heat but it’s NOT ok for us to spend our paychecks on a jetski???”
The problem is that Americans as a whole have a weird obsession with hiding behind the notion of “freedom.” They think that it means they can interpret that however they want regardless of whether it’s true or not. But in the case of this it’s only when things are inconvenient to them.