
I’ll be honest. I always was of the opinion that we could have a hybrid of people insured by their employers, and a single payer health care system. So, people who are employed can have their insurance through their jobs, and those who are self-employed or unemployed can pay into the single payer health care system.

I can’t adequately describe the magnitude of the horrible shit we’ve been seeing in my hospital. People are scared to seek care, whether it’s because they are afraid they will become infected during an evaluation for another problem (breast lump or bloody stools) or because they know they might have COVID but also

Well yeah he was accelerating out of the crowd - that’s what he had to do after accelerating into them.

FUCK people who jump to internet conclusions without knowing any of the facts in the case. 

My take, some people, like Tortilla Man, look for any excuse they can get to hurt and or kill people they don’t like. You know, normal racist Nazi shit.

Yo! Delete the Russian agent account of Dr Emilio Lizardo already. How long do we have to endure his dumbass popping up with whatever racist bullshit he has before you guys take action ?

Im so tired of Nazi scum , and bootlicking racist apologists commenting on this site, personally. I wish they would all climb under a rock, bit that isn’t going to happen.

The motivation and the identity of the driver remains unclear at the time of this writing, though an investigation is already under way by the NYPD, according to police.

And yet you read the whole thing and stopped here to comment.  pathetic.

So, again, your argument is that because sometimes people are harmed at protests that gives a driver the right to slam the gas pedal down and mow through whatever group of people are protesting in front of him? Regardless of context or circumstance?

FUCK Jalopnik readers who defend asshole drivers who attempt to murder people with their cars.

This reminds me of the time we got stuck in the Freddie Gray protests while in Baltimore. I had to run over an intersection full of people to escape with my life.

More truck hate from Jalop ... surprise surprise.

I don't know what would make this comment funnier; it was serious or just fucking with him. Either way I love it

I don’t remember any espresso in Williamsburg. Do you mean butter churns? Or blacksmiths?

But probably spent $20,000 on meth and custom AR-15s.

These things are a safety and health nightmare and the only way I’d be willing to pay $20,000 is if that’s what it took per truck to take every one of these off the road, crush them into cubes, and ban them for the future.

Only thing it’s missing is the truck nuts (nutz?) and the MAGA sticker.

The buyer who would drool over this truck didn’t spend $20,000 on his house. CP.