
Given what people know about Sacha Baron Cohen, and his well publicized gimmicks and how he despises the right-wing, it should be taken as clever trolling.

Splash was why they named it Splash Mountain as opposed to something else, but not why they chose the IP they did or why they built the ride. Eisener did try to get a mermaid cameo into the ride for a further Splash call back, but he was ignored by the imagineers.

It will never cease to amaze me that gun nuts constantly refer to the 2nd amendment while entirely ignoring the first half that literally talks about solid regulation.

You could just shorten that and simply say: they believe rights are for whites.

Well, it is the language the Bible was written in.

What about Cliven Bundy and his clan? Fox tried to turn those seditious pricks into folk heroes.

Absolutely, Kelly! We can’t have mob rule! We need to stop armed mobs from trying to storm state houses and threatening governors!

Georgia folk... please f***ing VOTE

Not surprising: the (lack of) response from the gun community to the murder of Philando Castile, a card-carrying member of the NRA (who was shot because he informed a cop that he was carrying [legally] and the cop freaked out and shot him) tells the whole story.

Can we take a moment to acknowledge the excellent camera work by Mr.Panda? Landscape. The Odyssey is perfectly framed in the center of the shot. Well executed, Mr. Panda!

It’s the left turn signal as he makes his way to the shoulder/exit on the right that really makes the video for me .

Pretty much... He streamed from the airport after he was removed.

Pretty sure there’s only one true statement on that shirt.  As for the rest..

It’s a goddamn mask, not a diving helmet. Wear the mask or gtfo.

Wait, we’re surprised by this? This precedes Trump in the Republican Party, and by this point is pretty much par for the course. Let’s recall that the phrase “enhanced” or “sharpened interrogation” is literally the word-for-word translation of the German euphamism that the Gestapo used on their prisoners:

In July 1932, the Nazis won the largest plurality (32 percent) in German parliament but had other parties formed a coalition, they could have held back the Nazis. But the other parties didn’t: they were obsessed with infighting over smaller differences and failed to see the larger, existential threat. This is that

I don’t want to hear anybody say that this is an accident. I’m sick of the excuse of stupidity or ignorance to be used to defend this administration’s actions (“Trump’s too stupid to know it is a Nazi symbol, yada yada yada). Even if say Trump really didn’t know, he is not operating alone in the White House. He has

How do you tell the difference? Is it the link that pops up when you mouse over the troll’s name? I’ve been wondering how people tell the two apart.

You are not an intelligent person and nobody values anything you have to say.

Personally, any cop that walks off, should be fired, and their pensions forfeited. You want to show solidarity with a killer.. fine, that shows that you place your “team” above what is legally, ethically, and morally right, which means you do NOT deserve to wear the badge.