
I’m not sure that violent crime is a good proxy here.

You really should have read the article.

I saw this crossposted on Kotaku, so let’s throw another analogy out there:

Did you read the f*cking article? Get out of here with that bullshit.

Yeah, there’s a site against Devin Nunes that takes a similar tack and is run by the person with the Twitter account that purports to be his cow’s. (He’s sued him, of course.) And there’s another soundalike one taking the piss out of Rudy Giuliani as well, if memory serves.

Pretty much the only thing that is singularly amazing about Trump is how he continually tops himself for how fucking awful he is. My expectations for Trump are “always be the worst possible person and do things the worst possible way.” And yet, even with those expectations, Trump still manages, on practically a daily

Exatly. Even if the cops won’t do anyting, the insurance company will go after the person at fault like a fucking bulldog.

To the person who argued about who knows what the victim was doing before the video started shooting (and brought up some crazy victim as rapist of the father or son’s white daughter to apparently show how not racist they are) the news sources had already indicated that the father and son contacted police and told

I’m thinking they wanted to get a hard on, as is their way, by intimidating a black man at gunpoint. Then shit got REAL.

Boarding should ALWAYS have been back to front. 

I did a reverse Becky/Karen today! O yes I did!

That’s a lot of money for something that’s almost old enough to run for President (Please do! We need a new one!)

Now playing

Posting this here because 1) it’s the truth about what Trump has said and done, 2) compared to Fauci’s interview it highlights the stark difference b/w the two of them, and 3) because Trump’s lawyers are sending out cease-and-desist orders trying to take it down:

The dealer industry should all take a field trip to an Apple store.

The impressionables already out here buying 4 years worth of TP, Don’t give them a reason to make it 8.


The DNC strongly favored Biden from the start, and it’s all the more clear now when you consider that the delegate count between Biden and Sanders is not all that far apart. Now that their favored candidate finally had a good day, we’re all supposed to give up and just “accept the inevitability,” even though over half