
That’ll all change when she reads my comment tho.

I think it’s probably partially that, in a lot of places, there are just a lot MORE Bernie Bros than awful Warren supporters — not bc a greater percentage of Bernie fans are awful, but just because Bernie has a larger base of Very Online supporters in the first place, so the 5% of them are more visible than the 5% of

Her decline is hitting me hard. I am going to vote for her in my primary still, but at some point I will probably need to swap to Bernie because of their very close policy positions. But it hurts after seeing how shitty (some very online) Bernie supporters have treated and talked about her, and now I have to be in

I’m so sad about Warren’s rapid decline.  I really love her message, her passion, and her policy wonkiness.  I’m also more irritated than usual about the media frenzy feeding into this idea that somehow Iowa and New Hampshire, two very small, fairly conservative, and white states get to set the entire narrative for

It’s not. It’s a great looking car. At least I think so. Bit it is color dependent. Silver and grey dont work well. Neither does black. This is a car where you want high contrast between the body color and the black cladding.

Current Prius says “hold my beer”

Yes yes thank you. I really don’t understand the point of articles like this. We know Mitt Romney is a conservative Republican who literally is everything the opposite of a socially progressive liberal. Of course he votes and voted for garbage legislation and has garbage ideas (we know! he ran for president already!).

Do I like Mitt, or agree with most of his positions? No.

I understand the sentiment; however, doing the wrong thing for the right reasons is still wrong (or, the lesser of two evils is still evil).

I'm like 50% sure at this point that Bloomberg is running simply to troll the shit out of Trump. 


A friend of a Facebook friend who is a Trumpette posted this nonsense:

You didn’t use all caps, but it still reads very all caps.

I’m all for cordoning off a parking lot and letting a bunch of people with more bravado than brains drift and do burnouts to their heart’s desire, but only so long as they’re fine with paying the bill for the cleanup that will inevitably be required. Also, the folks screaming for the chance to do this are also the

Then go to a fucking racetrack or autocross. Don’t do that shit on an uncontrolled street.

There is a time and a place for everything. Car shows are not the time nor place for stupid human tricks in cars.

Can a free and open event exist without morons eventually turning up and ruining it?

They should be arrested for filming in portrait mode....

They just need a to create a separate event called “Curbs and Mustangs”.

It creates downforce. How is that stupid?