3ft high flame


he’s definitely been infused with the blood of the young. I want some

we will look back fondly on this year

mutherfuck everything 2016


It’s not the 90's but I’d like to give you 3 snaps in a z formation.

I could never be a member of a political party that is actively trying to take voting rights away from people. How can Repubs square there rapturous love of the holy constitution with voter suppression?

I’m half “those people”. She only watches fox news and believes anything her boyfriend says because.... men know stuff. Ugh.


I’m not convinced the internet hasn’t just honed their tastes

It was a polite war!!!!! Loved every moment.

Isn’t that what Donny Jr said?

8 years ago I might have argued against your point.

Do you, Snowflake. You don’t have to click through

As a Jazz fan, I agree

My mom didn’t. She thought Obamacare is free healthcare for “minorities”. I’m no longer positive I wasn’t adopted.

Is he polydactyly? Does he have an extra pinkie? That might account for it.


My husband would murder me and it would be totally justified.

I hope they sue the fuck out of them in civil court. I hope they ruin him financially for the next 40 years. I hope the name John Howard becomes so linked with the sexual assault of the handicapped that no one names their kid John or Howard anymore.