3ft high flame

I wish to subscribe to your whales revenge fan fiction.

I think it’s less the “on your knees” and more “like you used to”. Being on your knees signifies subservience and used to is.. well, that’s what really makes it racist.

Her statement basically starts off

One of the only good parts of Suicide Squad was Deadshot’s demands for his daughter. Paraphrasing:

The funny thing is, if a black person works their ass off to get into a school, racists will yell about affirmative action. MEANWHILE.........

All of this is exactly correct (and much more organized and well-articulated than I have been able to manage thus far in discussing it with friends). So weird that the only person on the show who seems to recognize they’re all focusing on the wrong thing is Camille. Wish she had spoken up with that opinion instead of

Did LVP want the “puppygate” storyline out? Probably, yes.

I enjoy every Australian/New Zealand player in the league they are all assholes, it’s so great

The best part is that no one can really do anything about it because Ingles would probably just beat the shit out of them with his no-rules Aussie kung-fu.

He should be miked up.  That way we can hear what he says.

It just makes me want to stand up and go to church, shouting amen.

I hate to destroy your last shreds of hope, but Ray Dons are equal opportunity harassers. They do not have an age limit. My mother is 67. She still encounters them.

That is tied with the Ray Don rant as my all time faves

White woman on my job wanted to touch my hair.
She said, “It looks so soft.”
I said, “Can I rub on your pregnant belly?”
“See? Same thing.”

this graphic is truly striking

America is fabulously petty that way.

Yes, the way she seemed to be rushing from house to house, not giving anyone time to answer before moving on made me think this was someone being pursued by a serial killer. She’s fine, he’s dead, sounds so much better that what I thought we’d hear next.

Yes!!! This is work, people! It’s literally an office environment like any other. Imagine if your boss got caught jerking off in front of women, was fired, and then nine months later was rehired. Ridiculous!