3ft high flame

I lived in huntsville for almost 2 years. So racist. More racist than Knoxville and Hampton Roads combined. Mega openly proud racists.

Pat Benatar is too good for those rat bastards.

Soft-core fish porn. I would like to travel back in time and not know this exists.

I really wanted Grandma Hermione to be my president.

glad you didn’t call it shade without a ruling.....

Is it just me or does he look like he’s masturbating while masturbating someone?

kill it with fire

Has Trump appointed him head of his SS yet?

Tilda: Hey! That issue you speak about? How about I ask you some questions related to that topic?

I suck it up and explain. If a person came to me and asked me how I felt about Moana as a Samoan woman I would be ok with it. Sheesh.


I will never understand all the Simmons hate here. It it the entitled arrogance? I’ve read deadspin for years. That’s the tea pot calling the tea cup white.

So very bad. I need to renew my passport.


I got this in the mail last week. First thought... who sent me a book. Second thought... how did I get on this pretentious bullshit mailing list?

Please let them face off in The Challenge.


Corgan is a chemtrail truth and a climate change denier. You should be ok. It was just a fist bump.

Cool. I’ve heard that all the best people have other bodies carry their penis around

“Go fuck yourself, Mr. Cheney”