
Oh man, yeah. But you know, maybe this is what makes those memories even more sweet. You can not ever experience that again. It is yours forever, unchangeable.

“An ejection in three minutes? Finally, something I can beat that guy at!”

High quality joke in the graphic

He doesn’t know how to use the 3 seashells!

Reached for comment, Kevin Love said, “I can’t really defend his firing. Or the job he did as coach. ...Actually, I can’t defend anything. Please don’t ask me to.”

yes, this annoys me too. How do you fit the mass of a star inside a planet?

The sad thing is, they could have done without the whole “suck up an entire star’s energy and redirect it towards destruction of planets” concept and simply explained that there was something unique about the core of the planet the Starkiller was based on - a core with a tremendous amount of energy, but also made the

A third death star would definitely have resulted in success since the third time is, indeed, the charm. Can you imagine how embarrassing it would be if they failed for the THIRD time? Hell, even Mitt Romney knew he’d never be able to wipe off the stench of failure following a failed third presidential bid.

You always want your son to do something special with his life. I would have made him Isaac Newton so he would be the first notable person with that name to ever get laid.

I’m glad you said it. I frankly can’t bring myself to even start talking about that, because the whole idea of the base, and how it would work and move and even just be (let’s talk for a moment about trying to carve a wedge like that in the middle of a planet. Because that’s not how GRAVITY works. Planets are not

“What if I got my puppy from a breeder in Canada?” A small child asked in the crowd.

Stupid. Just stupid.

I think Snakes on a Plane is a great movie. It delivered on it’s name and premise.

A video of Manziel drinking a _____ and rapping to ____ surfaced on the social media app _____.

I can’t speak for you but when I first played it, and you had to walk to dungeons and level through zones, the game always felt massive.

And it regards to that quote, he only said that because his mother did.

Russell Wilson is a fucking lame.

A. I can’t think of a more efficient way to churn out more religious militants than by giving an official U.S. government seal of approval to oppressing said religious groups.

I’ve watched every one of these, but on the other hand...Fallout 4. Maybe I’ll see if I can find a way to play while also watching. I mean, they both do work the hellish dystopia angle.

You saying you have a problem with holographic doctors?