
The reason that it is still a point of contention is that you are wrong and your friend has principles.

The first one was brilliant. The second one — The Wrath of Khan — was pretty damned great, too.

It should have been called “Star Trek Into Reference.”

It wasn’t a Star Trek film It was a generic space movie with recognizable skin, that’s all. It wasn’t bad generic space movie, but it wasn’t Star Trek. And the second was just a bad movie, period. Even if you call it something different it’s still bad. When you story is so unformed you can change the identity of the

“Dip” to me implies cheese or sour cream (optionally + flavorings, in either).

Good call. I actually mix Rumchata with a smaller portion of Fireball (yeah, I know...) during the winter months. It has the consistency of a White Russian, but it tastes like honest-to-God Cinnamon Toast Crunch.

Take that Brian McCann you fat fuck.

Well, when you have a family like this...

Okay guys, Zombie Science Force needs to be a comic book IP. Newton, Einstein and others come back from the grave and fight the forces of ignorance.

Soon, we’ll be able to start tracking her movements. We can tag her, follow her by satellite, and monitor her migration patterns. We will learn how many are in her herd, and if they’re collecting the core materials of caramel to bring back to their home habitats.

That reminded me of something.

‘Shopped actually, here’s the source material:

Some people do try a different tack and just claw their way back to sanity, even if someone’s chasing them out the back of the restaurant. Or they put a soft face on it and claim victimization - someone’s framing them, they never mauled anyone, and that’s just the customer’s o-peen-ion.

He doesn’t really know that much about foreign policy beyond scripted talking points. But he knows how to LOOK like he knows what he’s talking about, until he’s actually asked a pointed question that requires him to dig deep. Then, just watch him sweat.

I won’t get the chance to listen to this as it goes up against my favorite podcast Cereal which is about a paranoid Irishman who has a small treasure horde and he describes the various times in his life he thought people were trying to rob him.

I wonder how much of it is the Chiefs’ players “trying too hard,” as they say, to avoid putting Reid in the position to fuck up the end of the second half like he did the first and like he did the Super Bowl with the Eagles.