
Nah, that was Matt Millen.

This is but one symptom of the infantilization of patriarchal people. Actual adult people understand that Life Has Hard Choices and learn how to prioritize in order to make those choices wisely and live with the consequences either way. Adult Children (male and female, but it’s all a symptom of patriarchy) can’t with

I pay money in to a pool that gets disbursed, it’s called taxes. Money that is used to start unjust wars, which is against my religion. If I don’t pay my taxes, I don’t get to pay a fine, I go to prison. This guy is ridiculous and fails to realize or care that part of living in a society is putting money in to things

Ugh when will cycling address a racing culture that not only permits, but actively promotes, the Big One?

Slaves did not lose their dignity because the government allowed them to be enslaved. My employees did not lose their dignity because I kept trying to show them my dick and putting my pubic hairs on their drinks. If we’re being honest with each other, I’m not sure what the word dignity means. What’s happening, again?

Trailers are so horrible now they basically show you the whole movie. Did I really need to see John Conner as a liquid Terminator why not save that for the movie itself why spoil it. We have access to to much information today that probably would have leaked anyway but come on can we get break here.

It’s no surprise Thomas had things to say about a member of the Bucs. He did reference their All-Pro free safety during his confirmation hearing.

.... I never thought about that. But all things considered I still love TWoT

Presuming we aren’t all engaging with the most ambitiously trollish waste of popular culture’s time on record...

As a Florida native, don’t you think part of it is also simply that the sunshine laws make all this stuff easily accessible? People have to put in effort to get weird news stories in most other places, whereas you guys are basically begging for the internet to make fun of you by putting it up for grabs.

I highly recommend Jack Weatherford’s “Genghis Khan and the Making of the Modern World.”

one time i save bread

Not exactly rage quit, but Diddy Kong Racing was one of those games that caused me to throw my controller in a fit of rage.

I play World of Warcraft. I’ve played for 10 years, off and on, and been raiding for almost as long. I’m normally pretty good with it... especially on progression content, I expect some wipes, so I don’t get irritated very easily nor do I rage quit. This was not one of those times.

I’m not one to rage quit very often, and I’m not sure this qualifies as raging, but I have a great story about quitting Destiny’s Vault of Glass once. First, though some setup.

I never rage quit. I’ll stop playing if I don’t think something is worth doing, like going up against a seriously unbalanced team on Battlefield, but it isn’t ever out of rage.


The weekend series against the Rays will be played at the Trop...

moral of this story: sometimes it’s ok to let someone use the “company” bathroom.

Great post, nice and long. I’d like to add two resources for people who are interested. The first is the book you noted: A World Undone by GJ Meyer, and second is the podcast mini-series Blueprint for Armageddon by Dan Carlin. If you like history, do yourself a huge favor and listen to Carlin’s Hardcore History ‘cast.