
It is derivative of Bejeweled. You have a couple shapes (pokemon symbols in PS), you rearrange them into groups of 3 or more in a line in order to erase them from the board, you try to plan for cascades to get bonus points, while drawing in the player with pleasing sound effects and animations. From looking up P&D,

Its a freebie game for the 3DS. Basically moving blocks around to form rows of 3-5 blocks similar to every bejeweled knockoff, with a pokemon branding.

Had almost the same thing on my mage, except with talents. I didn't realize there were more tabs beyond arcane and spent my first few points in arcane subtlety. Which at the time just meant my arcane missiles and arcane explosion (at the time a 1.5s cast) attracted less threat.

If you're dumb enough to give money to someone on the internet because you think they are good at gaming and female rather than male, then you are a sucker who needs to place more responsible people in charge of your financial decisions.

This wasn't actually mine, but just one I had the misfortune of witnessing. I a teenager and on vacation with my mother out west. We had driven from her aunt's in Bozeman, Montana down through the west side of Yellowstone and eventually to Coulter Bay in Grand Teton, sightseeing all the way and we basically collapsed

Well, this worked pretty well on me a while back. After being lured over here a few times I decided to try to actually make an effort to understand some of the issues raised on this website. And, lo and behold, many of the arguments are perfectly reasonable and would not have occurred to me due to my differing

Just be glad they were/are occupying each other, rather than splitting their efforts and ruining two other potential lives.

Just wait until FBN's groundbreaking report on polygamy.

Depending on where you get it, it can actually be not that great. It's really more of a melted butter delivery vector than actual quality foodstuff in its own right. If you just get some imitation crabmeat and melt some butter for dipping, you'll get a rough amalgam of a cheap lobster dinner.

I totally agree with this age range and justification. I remember being about the same age and hating Brett Favre with the passion of a thousand suns. If I had one wish that could have been granted Aladdin-style, it would have been blowing up Lambeau Field. I was totally past that by the time I was a teenager and now

I can understand the critique of the fragmented nature of the film, but there is a definite theme linking the various parts.

Seven unvaluable pieces of advice for teenage girls from teenage boys:

I flailed around not knowing what I was doing for about 10 hours until I watch this tutorial series :… (search "Tekk's Tavern" on crusader kings community hub if link is bad)

What color sippy cup does Eli prefer?

Well, in all fairness that same Mongol force was just not stoppable by any military force of that time. They were so crazy effective that they mopped the floor with a massive Georgian force that was geared up to go on a crusade. On a scouting mission.

If I'm parsing this accurately, and I am by no means a fully-fledged scholar in the Palinese dialect, they seem to be attempting to employ the classic "nuh-uh, you are, but worser!" technique of attacking the sentiment that conservatives would prefer women to act more akin to 50s stereotypes. This is then topped off

Well, <i>obviously</i> the solution is to use a recording of someone whispering her name and place it near her bedroom door.

Insurance. Every track basically pays out the nose for it as is and can get strong-armed into any reasonable safety policy such as this by the threat of rate increases.