pretty sure you said it
pretty sure you said it
Honorable mention to my roommate who ate a whole pack or MegaStuf Oreos on Fallout 4’s launch day. It was a magical day to be a gamer fan
Merry Christmas everybody :(
Defund Texas
After hearing about how great this piece of shit was for years from my girlfriend, I decided to be a nice guy and sit down and watch it with her. What a load of old shit. If women want to be treated as equals in this society they have to stop enjoying horrible movies like this.
It was all a misunderstanding
Looking much older than his 25 years, but probably has fresh legs!
nice suits?
better late than never
You are not the only one, but we are in the minority. Norman was pulling all types of shit leading up to this. The refs should have nipped it in the bud when Norman body slammed OBJ, but they didn’t
76ers just drafted him
There’s a photographer basically underneath Terry (in white pants). He’s definitely trying not to trip over that guy.
i’ll be making around 50 new kinja screen names just to give you as many stars as possible. Superhero movies are crap.
So Richie Incognito appears to be the lucid voice of reason on the Bills. Interesting.
I love seeing him cry
Whats up with guys shaving their forearms? Explains this. Now.
The remastered version in 3D is incredible.
Barry is in love with Tom Brady
I like how all of asia is held accountable for what japan did to pearl harbor
Aren’t these “letters” sent in to Dear Prudence of Dear Abby or any of those other nonsense columns fake? I always assumed they are. This woman is not real and her daughter does not go to to an Ivy League school. Though I could see why the imaginary daughter would be annoyed.